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FX6 flow in a 90 gallon


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So in my 90 gallon discus tank I am going to be using a Fluval FX6 for the best filtration possible. Because discus dont like flow, I am going to face the power head to the glass so it isnt blowing directly into the centre of the aquarium where all the fish are. I am doing this because I dont want to reduce the flow and hence reduce the filtration of the FX6 as its the reason I am buying it after all. Will this idea be okay / work well? Thanks

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Discus are able to handle the flow of the fx6 in my experience. I have one running max output in my 75 gallon tank and my discus love swimming around and don't appear to struggle with the current at all. If your discus is struggling with the output you can always adjust the flow output with the turning knob.

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