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So, how would YOU make a planted pot?

Tony s

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I’d put gravel and a root tab in an unglazed terra cotta pot with a plant. 

@Tony s there are a number of aquarium plants that don’t get planted because the roots feed from the water column. Some examples are anubias, Java fern, and bucephalandra. For those just put a plant weight around the bottom of the plant and use Easy Green to fertilize. Piece of cake!  Or attach to driftwood or rock. Also water sprite and hornwort do well just floating around.

P.S. I posted a how-to video but not sure it’s showing up so you can access by clicking the word “attach” in the above paragraph.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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I had my best plant and root growth using gravel only in a terracotta pot.  I’m guessing the gravel allowed from more oxygen to the roots.  I would stick my siphon on top of the gravel 1x -2x a month and pull out mulm and old water allowing new in. 

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