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Water change plumbing issues

Ed R

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Haha, I can't read that without hearing Bob Uecker's voice. 🤣

I'd also account for pressure loss due to friction (every physics teacher ever has not prepared me for real life) and get something a bit oversized.

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Quick update: The Mag 3600 solved the pressure problem, and created a few more-  it's twice as strong as the Quiet One 6000 so Im getting a LOT more water than before. Now I have to secure the fill ends much more securely than I had, and remove the air venturis from the ends, and install a water flow meter so I can tell how long it takes to pump x number of gallons into tank y, so I can set the time and flow change parameters correctly. Or I could be doing 100 percent water changes every time. I suppose 100 percent every 3 days is overkill, isn't it?

Trick is I am going to need flow meters for each station because my flow adjustment valve is post-sprinkler valve, and I am pretty sure the meter won't work properly if I put it before the sprinkler valve and then choke the flow after the valve.

It never rains, it pours.

Oh, you guys will laugh at this but I won't: I discovered that I needed to secure my fll ends better because I was staninding near one when I turned on a station, and the closest fill end popped off the tank and sprayed me in the face.

It was not funny.



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Water meters that can handle 60gpm are hard to find. Ah well, the only thing to do is put the fish in a bucket, drain the tank, and refill. 9 times. 100 percent water changes are fine f you normally do 20 percent every three days, right?.... right?




Edited by Ed R
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On 9/15/2024 at 7:25 PM, Ed R said:

Quick update: The Mag 3600 solved the pressure problem, and created a few more-  it's twice as strong as the Quiet One 6000 so Im getting a LOT more water than before. Now I have to secure the fill ends much more securely than I had, and remove the air venturis from the ends, and install a water flow meter so I can tell how long it takes to pump x number of gallons into tank y, so I can set the time and flow change parameters correctly. Or I could be doing 100 percent water changes every time. I suppose 100 percent every 3 days is overkill, isn't it?

Trick is I am going to need flow meters for each station because my flow adjustment valve is post-sprinkler valve, and I am pretty sure the meter won't work properly if I put it before the sprinkler valve and then choke the flow after the valve.

It never rains, it pours.

Oh, you guys will laugh at this but I won't: I discovered that I needed to secure my fll ends better because I was staninding near one when I turned on a station, and the closest fill end popped off the tank and sprayed me in the face.

It was not funny.



I am sure it was not funny for you, but considering some things that could have happened it was laughable now.

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On 9/15/2024 at 7:12 PM, johnnyxxl said:

I am sure it was not funny for you, but considering some things that could have happened it was laughable now.

The system I've created has come to life with a will of its own.' Apparently it thinks it's funny or something...


I think the REAL solution is to gravity-feed the water, not pump-feed it. Anyone got any ideas on how I can elevate a 75 gallon tank so the bottom is 8 feet high , in a room that has a 9 foot ceiling?




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On 9/15/2024 at 7:57 PM, lefty o said:

Jobu requires at least 3 buckets of fried chicken.............

That chisler has gotten more fried chicken, cigars, and rum from me than anyone, and what have I gotten in turn? A face fulla water! Jobu can go f=== well,this is a family forum...

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