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NANO fish feeding guides

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I’ve had these 15 Chili Rasboras (10 from Dans Fish - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) and they seem very healthy but I’m not sure I’m feeding enough , however I do not want to overfeed either. Below is a photo of amount I am feeding twice daily for the 15 Chilis. There are no other fish, only 6 crazy Amanos! 
Just need actual first hand advice and perhaps I’ll also reach out to Dans. 
I’ve had them about 6 weeks and they aren’t really coloring up much yet. Feeding several types of nano & fry foods ( all crushed to powder) and some crumbled AC freeze dried brine shrimp maybe once a week. 
The water quality stays perfect between weekly water changes so I don’t think I’m over feeding but could I be underfeeding these tiny ones????

picture #1 is showing amount I feed twice daily. ( i  vary the food choice daily)

picture #2 just general view of tank 10 gal.

thank you for nano advice before I check in with Dans perhaps.IMG_8419.jpeg.5de4a11e146d332f8663ea4a1c18e94b.jpegIMG_8416.jpeg.fe08dcee6a07c42b9922bb70a8bfd137.jpeg



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