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Best tetra tank mates for angelfish

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I have a lone angelfish in a 29g, and I’m trying to figure out which tetras would make the best tank mates for him. They have to be big enough to not be considered prey, but peaceful enough to not nip the long fins of the angelfish. This would be a shoal of 6 tetras from a hardy species. So, nothing small like neons or cardinals. Instead, I was thinking of something larger, like black skirts, red eyes, or maybe even bleeding hearts. But from what I’ve read, it seems they have reputations as fin-nippers. Would any of those be good? If not, any other suggestions?

Edited by AtomicSunfish
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On 8/30/2024 at 6:51 AM, AtomicSunfish said:

I have a lone angelfish in a 29g, and I’m trying to figure out which tetras would make the best tank mates for him. They have to be big enough to not be considered prey, but peaceful enough to not nip the long fins of the angelfish. This would be a shoal of 6 tetras from a hardy species. So, nothing small like neons or cardinals. Instead, I was thinking of something larger, like black skirts, red eyes, or maybe even bleeding hearts. But from what I’ve read, it seems they have reputations as fin-nippers. Would any of those be good? If not, any other suggestions?

I personally had a group of Black Skirt tetra many years ago. Never had problems with fin nipping. Personally one of my favorite  tetra. 


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On 8/30/2024 at 6:51 AM, AtomicSunfish said:

This would be a shoal of 6 tetras from a hardy species. So, nothing small like neons or cardinals

Full size cardinals would be fine. Phantom tetras should be good, either color. Diamond tetras. Congo tetras. Rummy nose. Bleeding hearts. Black neons. Lemon tetras.

Basically anything over an 1.5” is pretty safe. Easier to ask what tetras to not put with angels. First on that list would be Buenos Aires. As for nipping, angels aren’t that helpless. As long as they don’t get ganged up on, they will nip back. 

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On 8/30/2024 at 7:28 AM, Tony s said:

Full size cardinals would be fine. Phantom tetras should be good, either color. Diamond tetras. Congo tetras. Rummy nose. Bleeding hearts. Black neons. Lemon tetras.

Basically anything over an 1.5” is pretty safe. Easier to ask what tetras to not put with angels. First on that list would be Buenos Aires. As for nipping, angels aren’t that helpless. As long as they don’t get ganged up on, they will nip back. 

Okay, thank you. Yes, I’ve read that Buenos Aires tetras are some of the worst offenders when it comes to fin-nipping.

This particular angel was in a 55g with a blue acara, but the blue acara roughed him up quite a bit, and really tore his dorsal fin, so I separated them. The dorsal fin is pretty much back to normal now, so I don’t want him to get injured again.

I’ve found angels to have a surprisingly well-developed prey drive. I had guppies in this tank, and I thought the angel would just cull the babies, but he also tried to eat adult male guppies, even when he couldn’t actually swallow them. I don’t mind a predatory fish taking prey, but I don’t want them sucking on fish like cigars for a while, only to spit them out headless later. So, I’d rather have dither fish for this angel in the 2-3” size range.

Thanks for the list … I’ll research those species!

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On 8/30/2024 at 10:33 AM, AtomicSunfish said:

This particular angel was in a 55g with a blue acara, but the blue acara roughed him up quite a bit,

Oh, I'm going to have to watch that closely then. I have 5 angels and an EBA in my 75g. But it may just have been that particular EBA

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On 8/30/2024 at 9:36 AM, Tony s said:

Oh, I'm going to have to watch that closely then. I have 5 angels and an EBA in my 75g. But it may just have been that particular EBA

Mine is a true blue acara (wildtype). Some say there are temperamental differences between wildtype and electric blue acaras, others say not, so I’m not sure. If he has any green terror hybridization somewhere in his lineage, that could explain the aggression. It’s possible, but I don’t think he has, judging by the colors and patterns.

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On 8/30/2024 at 10:43 AM, AtomicSunfish said:

Some say there are temperamental differences between wildtype and electric blue acaras, others say not, so I’m not sure

Interesting. I think I'll just watch mine for a bit. I'm just now starting to go beyond angels. Kind of getting bored a bit with tiny schoolers. Although I did add 13 red tailed rasboras with the angels. Very tight schoolers. often swim in a formation slightly bigger than a softball.

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I kept black skirts in my 29g with my angelfish for a while and I didn't really enjoy it. They were quite nippy, mostly towards each other and my mystery snails. I ended up returning them. I don't really trust them to be peaceful personally.

I like rummynose tetra with angelfish, but if your angel is predatory they could be eaten. I've had a good experience my black ruby barbs and my angelfish in my 29g, if you are open to non tetras.

Edited by Ninjoma
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Posted (edited)
On 8/30/2024 at 9:54 AM, Tony s said:

Interesting. I think I'll just watch mine for a bit. I'm just now starting to go beyond angels. Kind of getting bored a bit with tiny schoolers. Although I did add 13 red tailed rasboras with the angels. Very tight schoolers. often swim in a formation slightly bigger than a softball.

I began with schooling fish and sharkminnows (as well as amphibians) in my youth, then discovered gouramis and angels, and I was hooked. From there I moved on to bigger and more aggressive species, with cichlids like convicts, Jack Dempsey and Oscars, as well as sunfishes like bluegill and green sunfish. I also got into different catfishes. All of them are spectacular, but eventually I grew tired of managing all that territorial aggression and big, predatory mouths.

Now I just want semi-aggressive fish, who still have interesting behaviors, but without all the fighting and injury. I’m re-discovering schooling fish, and realizing that not all of them are particularly peaceful. So, I’m trying to prevent problems in my 29g by choosing the right dithers for my angelfish.

Edited by AtomicSunfish
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On 8/30/2024 at 10:50 AM, Ninjoma said:

I kept black skirts in my 29g with my angelfish for a while and I didn't really enjoy it. They were quite nippy, mostly towards each other and my mystery snails. I ended up returning them. I don't really trust them to be peaceful personally.

I like rummynose tetra with angelfish, but if your angel is predatory they could be eaten. I've had a good experience my black ruby barbs and my angelfish in my 29g, if you are open to non tetras.

Thanks for that insight.

Barbs are lovely, but I’m trying to keep everything South American if at all possible.

On 8/30/2024 at 11:20 AM, Tony s said:

Iv'e also heard good things about snakeskin barbs as well. Been wanting to try those. 

Cool species for sure, but trying to stick with a South American community.

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I know you said tetra, and all the suggestions up top are great. I recommend Odessa Barbs albeit not a tetra, but they are calm in numbers of 8 or so and up. The colors are the reason I suggested them. I used to keep them together in a 125 light years ago and it was gorgeous. Good luck

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