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New tank stocking advice request

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First post from someone who has learned a lot from everyone's generous advice on the forum.

I'm hoping to get some thoughts on how to continue to build out our tank. It's a 40-gallon breeder with an Aquaclear 50 filter. We've completed our fishless cycle and introduced 8 diamond tetras, an albino bristlenose pleco, and two zebra nerite snails. What to add next?

We will almost certainly add 6+ glofish danios (kid's pick). I'm also thinking that a small school of corys (w/ a sandbox enclosed by large rocks) would be a fun addition to add interest at the bottom of the tank. But I'm bit concerned that 8 diamond tetras, 1 bristlenose pleco, 6+ glofish danios, and 6+ corys be too much (perhaps especially so for beginners). That said, according to aqadvisor, it would be about 53% stocked. 

Any advice or thoughts would be much appreciated! I'd also love any advice on which cory species would be best (in terms of size and standing out against a black substrate).



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On 8/29/2024 at 3:38 PM, illquixote said:

That said, according to aqadvisor, it would be about 53% stocked

They're relatively accurate. Not perfect. But you have plenty of space. But I think I'd stay lightly stocked util you get a feel for things. Learning things about new tanks takes time. Then when you know more about the basic, you can always increase your stocking. btw that's a cute kid's tank. Don't forget to ask questions when you need help. 

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@illquixote Are you going to get it set up for it to glow? My wife and daughter picked out glofish for their second tanks. Haven't been able to figure out until now how to do it. It's a 36 gallon bowfront painted black with a thick plastic hood. Rimless without the hood. Burned out 2 sets of lights on it so far.  Found some watertight glow lights the other day. Now I think just some reef glue and we're good to go. FYI we were told by the glofish people at aquashella to keep 2 sets of decorations on hand. When the brown algae starts, they look horrid. So, one in tank and one to clean. 😁

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On 8/29/2024 at 12:38 PM, illquixote said:

8 diamond tetras, 1 bristlenose pleco, 6+ glofish danios, and 6+ corys be too much (perhaps especially so for beginners).

That stocking sounds fine. If aqua advisor says that is 53%, I would go for it. Just make sure you keep testing your water for ammonia and nitrites when adding additional fish.

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On 8/29/2024 at 6:52 PM, Tony s said:

@illquixote Are you going to get it set up for it to glow? My wife and daughter picked out glofish for their second tanks. Haven't been able to figure out until now how to do it. It's a 36 gallon bowfront painted black with a thick plastic hood. Rimless without the hood. Burned out 2 sets of lights on it so far.  Found some watertight glow lights the other day. Now I think just some reef glue and we're good to go. FYI we were told by the glofish people at aquashella to keep 2 sets of decorations on hand. When the brown algae starts, they look horrid. So, one in tank and one to clean. 😁

Wow, that sounds like quite an adventure! My kids like the way they look under normal light. As for the decorations, we're already starting to see that! Hopefully the snails and pleco will help?

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On 8/30/2024 at 7:10 AM, illquixote said:

Hopefully the snails and pleco will help?

They do. But it goes away after a while anyway. Just can be very annoying for a while. If you need to pull anything to clean. No soap. But you can use hydrogen peroxide. Scrub with a clean brush. Also no soap. And rinse off. 
it’s what they call brown algae. It’s diatoms. They feed off the silicates in the water. Once the silicates go away and the tank stabilizes, it disappears 

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On 8/30/2024 at 8:12 AM, Tony s said:

They do. But it goes away after a while anyway. Just can be very annoying for a while. If you need to pull anything to clean. No soap. But you can use hydrogen peroxide. Scrub with a clean brush. Also no soap. And rinse off. 
it’s what they call brown algae. It’s diatoms. They feed off the silicates in the water. Once the silicates go away and the tank stabilizes, it disappears 

That's reassuring! I also appreciate your advice on taking things slow. As exciting as it seems to get everything to how we envision it, I think getting to add things in later will be super fun. 

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On 8/30/2024 at 8:34 AM, illquixote said:

As exciting as it seems to get everything to how we envision it, I think getting to add things in later will be super fun.

For kids, absolutely. That’s going to keep their attention. Well, for a while anyway 😁  you’ll have a lot of “ can we go buy fish?”  Which works for a while. Until you’re full. But then there’s projects like tank cleaning. Filter cleaning. They like to help. My daughter especially likes to scrape the glass clean. And taking apart the canister filter. So it’s also good for a bit of bonding time 

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