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Help with mollies?


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We have a wonderful planted tank that has been running for about 18-months.  We recently added two ADF that are doing very well...they're actually getting fat.  The only fish in there is a lone guppy.  It's a long story how we ended up with one guppy, but we were trying to fix that problem.  A family member went to the closest city nearby (two hours away), and while they were there, they picked up one guppy and two mollies...per my daughter's request.  It should have been all guppies, but it is what it is.  I used the quarantine trio on the guppy and mollies.  The guppy looked absolutely amazing.  The mollies were dying.  After one week I put in fresh water and 1/2 t of salt.  Within a day and a half the guppy had some sort of fungus eating up his tail, and he died.  I added Ich-X as soon as my daughter saw the problem, but it was too late.  We lost the guppy.

I left the mollies in the Ich-X.  I figured that if it could kill him that fast, it was probably very deadly.  

The mollies, that looked dead a couple days ago, look great now.  I don't know if it is the reduction of meds or if it is the added salt.  Once I finally get these mollies through quarantine (I am open to suggestions!) I need a place to put them.  I wanted to put them in the previously mentioned planted 10-gallon, with the home-bred guppy and ADF's.  However, nothing in that tank is accustomed to salt.  

Should we set up a separate tank just for mollies?  Try adding the mollies and salt to an established aquarium?  Something else????  I don't really want to set up an aquarium just for mollies, but I do not want to crash any of my other freshwater aquariums.  I know that this is harsh, but I am really protective of the little eco-systems that we have had up and running for a long time.  Suggestions?

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I can relate, I qt anything new and isolate tanks from each other if I notice anything weird.  So much time and effort goes into our tanks, not worth risking it imo.  

That said, I doubt anything is going to even notice a half teaspoon of salt in 10 gallons.  But it's also such a small amount that I don't think it's even worth adding in the first place.

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Mollies don't need salt in their water, they prefer hard water and do best in hard water with minerals, but salt is not needed. Good clean water being at least slightly on the harder side is all that is needed.

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On 8/11/2024 at 6:57 PM, T. Payne said:

Mollies don't need salt in their water, they prefer hard water and do best in hard water with minerals, but salt is not needed. Good clean water being at least slightly on the harder side is all that is needed.

Thank you.  There is a wondershell in the hospital tank.

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On 8/11/2024 at 7:57 PM, T. Payne said:

Mollies don't need salt in their water, they prefer hard water and do best in hard water with minerals, but salt is not needed. Good clean water being at least slightly on the harder side is all that is needed.

The problem with mollies is that the vast majority of fish available at big stores are bred overseas in brackish water. They will die a sad death when placed in fresh water without letting them adjust. 

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On 8/11/2024 at 7:19 PM, MWilk said:

The problem with mollies is that the vast majority of fish available at big stores are bred overseas in brackish water. They will die a sad death when placed in fresh water without letting them adjust. 

Yes, I should have known better.  We had some of the same breed from that same store in fresh water, so I assumed....that fresh water was safe.  Never assume.  Any suggestion on how to proceed?  Keep them in brackish and move fry to fresh???  Thank you!


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Add just enough salt for them to live, then do water changes as normal and slowly taper the salt content down. They’ll either live, or they won’t. If they don’t, there’s nothing you could have done. The darn things are fragile. 

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I will try your suggestion and see how it goes. 

These are my kid's fish.  We might have to set up a brackish aquarium if they can't handle fresh. 😪

On 8/11/2024 at 7:35 PM, MWilk said:

Add just enough salt for them to live, then do water changes as normal and slowly taper the salt content down. They’ll either live, or they won’t. If they don’t, there’s nothing you could have done. The darn things are fragile. 


Thank you!

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On 8/11/2024 at 9:40 PM, Louise02 said:

We might have to set up a brackish aquarium if they can't handle fresh.

Mollies can handle fresh water just fine. They do need acclimating though.  
but the bigger problem is mollies are not really suited for a 10g tank as they can grow upwards of 4 inches. I actually have the same problem. My daughter wants the sailfin molly. It grows even larger. She got the guppies instead. You may have to go out and get them a bigger tank. And don’t we all hate that idea 😂

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On 8/11/2024 at 11:08 PM, Tony s said:

Mollies can handle fresh water just fine. They do need acclimating though.  
but the bigger problem is mollies are not really suited for a 10g tank as they can grow upwards of 4 inches. I actually have the same problem. My daughter wants the sailfin molly. It grows even larger. She got the guppies instead. You may have to go out and get them a bigger tank. And don’t we all hate that idea 😂

Let's just say I am kicking myself for letting her pick.  🙄  Oh, well.  She's pretty interested in life sciences, so...

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On 8/12/2024 at 1:17 AM, Louise02 said:

She's pretty interested in life sciences, so...

Mine is too. Or at least in all animals. We have memberships at 5 zoos. She’s constantly learning. And not afraid to ask keepers questions. She’s 9 right now and among her favorites are snakes. And giraffes. 


On 8/12/2024 at 1:17 AM, Louise02 said:

Let's just say I am kicking myself for letting her pick.

Na, it’s hard to say no when they really want something. I have almost got her the mollies before. But I sneakily offered her new guppies from an online store in Ohio which has great guppies. And she chose some pretty blue glass ones. And now her tank is full, no room for mollies😉

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