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How To Use Alkaline Buffer

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I’ve recently gotten my hands on some alkaline buffer, but I have no clue how how I would add it to my tank with water changes. I typically add the necessary amount needed of additives to the water I’m putting in the tank to where it matches the parameters of the tank’s water. However, with alkaline buffer, the directions give me ZERO specifics and just tell me to add every day until I reach the right ph and Kh. I’m thinking of risking it and adding the water and everything else first and the alkaline layer, but im worried my shrimp will die do to the difference of ph. How should I do this?

Edited by Spaghider
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If you are raising tank kh from where it is now, add a maximum of 1 teaspoon per 20 gallons once a day until desired kh, or ph is met. That dose should raise kh by 2.8 degrees in 20 gallons..


If treating replacement water, use 1 teaspoon per 20 gallons for every 2.8 degrees of kh you need to raise the replacement water.


In essence, you do not want to stress your livestock with a rapid change hence raise ph slowly ever days by only doing 1 teaspoon per 20 gallons per day.


When doing a water change though you dont want to drop the kh ph rapidle either, so if your replacement water is 5.6 degrees lower than what you need and you are changing 20 gallons, dose 2 teaspoons intothe 20 gallons you are adding…


When I do water changes I treat the replacement water to raise GH.  To do so I place my Calcium Sulphate and Magnesium Sulphate to a quart of water and I mix it up.  I then slowly add that water as I fill the tank back up with a python so the levels are somewhat the same as it fills.


some day I hope to have a holding tank that I can pretreat with GH, dechlor, and a heater and add ferts in hours before I add it to the tank so the replacement water is already mixed and very close to water in the tank already.

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Seachem has a dosing calculator on their website. Plug in current kh, desired kh, and gallons of the desired water. I usually base mine off a 30g trash can with zero from ro water. 

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On 8/7/2024 at 8:15 PM, Spaghider said:

gotten my hands on some alkaline buffer, but I have no clue how how I would add it to my tank with water changes.

Similar questions I have and details I cannot figure out:

When it says add an amt , say 1/2 tsp per 10 gal does that mean a 10 gal volume or the water change FOR a 10g tank-( which might be much less additive for a 2-3 gallon water change. ) 

if my Kh is low but not 0, and my GH is 150+ does it sound like I need seachem Equilbrium? I know It doesn’t change kh, but I have Amano shrimp, snails, chili rasboras. Ph is 6.8. 10gal tank.

MY TAP WATER IS Soft, ph 7 but I’ve used Wonder shells for awhile, hence maybe my GH 150+….

just not sure if I NEED to change all this around but if so I need ADVICE STILL.


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Posted (edited)

Seachem has a dosing calculator on their website. Plug in current kh, desired kh, and gallons of the desired water. I usually base mine off a 30g trash can with zero from ro water.”

This helped SO much, thanks!

On 8/8/2024 at 10:35 AM, Potterygal said:

When it says add an amt , say 1/2 tsp per 10 gal does that mean a 10 gal volume or the water change FOR a 10g tank-( which might be much less additive for a 2-3 gallon water change. ) 

I’m pretty sure it’s either or.


On 8/8/2024 at 10:35 AM, Potterygal said:

if my Kh is low but not 0, and my GH is 150+ does it sound like I need seachem Equilbrium? I know It doesn’t change kh, but I have Amano shrimp, snails, chili rasboras. Ph is 6.8. 10gal tank.


On 8/8/2024 at 10:35 AM, Potterygal said:

MY TAP WATER IS Soft, ph 7 but I’ve used Wonder shells for awhile, hence maybe my GH 150+….

Wonder Shells are a good alternative to equilibrium so you probably don’t need it, although you’ll still need alkaline buffer to up the Kh.

Edited by Spaghider
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I only have kh replenished from tap water.  My tap water kh is 2 degrees.

i might bump that up if I were keeping live bearers and definitely if I was keeping certain chiclids, but I dont with Tetras and Rasboras…. Their native water is low kh low ph..

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