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Strange Bumps on Koi


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Hello, I'm new to this form and am a newbie when it comes to koi diseases. I recently noticed these bumps on my koi and was wondering if anyone knew what they could possibly be. I've recently had 3 koi die within a very short time frame. One died around a month ago and the other 2 a week ago but within 2 days of each other. I have checked my chemical levels and they are normal. I would really appreciate any help you guys can give, I'm completely at a loss and don't want to lose any more koi. 




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What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH are they in an  outdoor pond or inside that's a  goldfish in picture do you also have koi carp as well if there kept in a outdoor pond it's more likely to be a parasite or a viral disease there's seasonal viral infections such as crap pox @Lazaro636

Edited by Colu
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On 8/6/2024 at 8:58 PM, Tony s said:

Looks like it might be some kind of parasite. Is he outside in a pond? Gets more complicated if he is. And it may limit treatment meds. @Colu is our expert. 

It is an outside pond, yes.

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On 8/7/2024 at 3:35 AM, Colu said:

What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH are they in an  outdoor pond or inside that's a  goldfish in picture do you also have koi carp as well if there kept in a outdoor pond it's more to be a parasite or a viral disease there's seasonal viral infections such as crap pox @Lazaro636

Yes I have koi and goldfish and it is an outside pond. pH I keep it ar 7.4, nitrate 20ppm, ammonia was at 0.25 ppm I know this should be at 0 but I've had the pond for 6 years and have never been able to bring the level down to 0. I use the API fresh water test kit so I've never measured the KH.

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 looking at the pictures a viral infections most  likely the cause of the deaths there's could be the start of carp pox or lymphocystis nothing you can do treatment wise other than supportive care   keeping stable water parameters good quality food add some vitachem to there food to add some extra vitamins some fish will recover and can become immune but they will still be Carrie's and can infect other fish so I wouldn't add any new fish to your pond   @Lazaro636

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