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55 gallon stocking. guppies and South American fish?

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I’m currently figuring out some of what I will stock in my 55 community tank. My question is can you keep guppies, angelfish, tetras, corys, and an Amazon puffer together? I’m not sure if these fish can handle higher the and kh.

also let me know if this would be over stocking.

1 angelfish 

1 Amazon puffer

1 clown pleco 

6 corydoras 

4 kuhli loaches

10 rummy nose tetras

10 cherry barbs

10 black neons

10 black phantom 

If this is not overstocked would there be room for the guppies if these other fish could handle the increased gh and kh.

also I don’t have most of the fish on this list so it is adjustable.




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I think the stocking listed would work, with the understanding that the puffer might need to be removed to its own aquarium depending on its disposition. As far as the guppies go, might not be the best choice of with the other fish listed. There most likely would be problems with nipped fins on the guppies. 

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