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Hygro Willow (Hygrophila corymbosa "Augustifolia")

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Hello plant people - 

I’m looking for more info on this plant (or just other similar Hygrophila species in general). There’s not a whole ton of info out there about this guy. Half the people say it needs medium - high light and CO2 or it’ll grow pretty slow. Some people say it grows like a weed in their low tech tanks.

I’ve heard it’s also a potassium hog. True? False?

I love the look of it and want a nice big, bushy background plant for my 29g. I’m not planning to run CO2 but am hoping to run medium light. I use Easy Green. I just want lots of fairly easy plants to make this bad boy an absolute jungle!

Also - I’m going to try out floating my stem plants for a bit before planting them. Would this plant benefit from that? Or would it benefit from being planted with root tabs right away?

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I think that you can feel confident in the plant profile notes Tropica provides here. This is an easy plant if you can get it started.

I grow a lot of Hygrophila polysperma (“Indian Swampweed”). It is so bulletproof!




I have grown Hygrophila difformis (“Water Wisteria”) very effectively as well. It withstood the nibbles of young goldfish…


In both species, once you get the plant going, it’s very hardy. No CO2. No expensive lighting.

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