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I attached a picture below of one of my siamese algee eaters that I'm wondering if it has popeye.  I'm on day 3 of a treatment using Fritz Maracyn, but it hasn't seem to done much yet.  The fish is mostly just perching in the weeds and breathing quickly.  The other times I've had Popeye the maracyn seemed to work fairly quickly, though those the eye popping out was more white-ish colored, where as on this fish there almost seems to a little red blood color on things.  I wish I had a better picture, but the fish stays positioned so his bad eye is to the back of the aquarium and he uses his good eye to keep tabs on things.

Is this really popeye and do any of you have suggestions for other medications I should try?


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Try maracyn2. If maracyn is not working this time. It usually does a better job with popeye. I’d try kanaplex, but not in a planted tank or with invertebrates. You could try it in a quarantine tank.


It’s hard to see it clearly, but it could also be an injury.

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