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Wonder shells??

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My tap water is very soft. 
I’ve been using wonder shells for a few years in my older 5g tank (1  betta , 2 nerites) the Gh is consistently high now at 150+. Should I back off WS or does it sound about right? 

My newer ( 4 mo) 10g I’ve been adding a Small WS and readings are about 75+. With 15 chili rasboras and 6 Amanos.

Does WS have any downsides in your opinions. One small WS will dissolve in about 3+ weeks in either tank. My one nerite is now about 5 yrs old .

my KH is very low in both tanks and not sure if that’s a big deal or not. 
10g pH 6.8 ( has spider wood in there)

5 g pH about 7 ( no woods)


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On 7/30/2024 at 10:04 AM, Potterygal said:

Gh is consistently high now at 150+

Sounds about right for snails. And no, not really high at all. Mine straight from the tap is around 260. As is my kh. The snails do really well in that water. 

kh being low is not an issue as long as you stay up on maintenance. Letting organics build up could lead to ph swings as kh acts to stabilize it. Or, you could try something to bump your kh. The cheapest being small amounts of baking soda. But then you have to consistently keep it the same level. 

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Thank you both @Tony s and @EricksonAquatics! I will def look at the S Equilibrium product too, 

im very regular on water changes: gravel vac so thank you for the KH angle on that as well.
One thing I have done minor research on but not 200% is that I have several of my handmade stoneware pottery pieces I use for underwater plant holders. Glazes are all non toxic , lead free but I wonder if the unglazed areas on their bottoms could leach out, they are all vitrified by the firing processes (2160+ F degrees) so I’ve sort of discounted it. TBH I perhaps distrust the “ finishes” applied to commercial resin decorations more, but not sure well founded… 



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On 7/30/2024 at 1:43 PM, Potterygal said:

S Equilibrium product too

This is a great product. I use it when remineralizing my RO water where I need it. They also make an Alkaline booster that is good if you want to add a touch of kh to your water

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