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Sickness help?

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I am curious if anyone could ID this sickness. I have a juvenile rainbow fish that began to distance herself from the group yesterday. Upon further examination I noticed her scales had some pale discoloration (circled in red below) I wasn’t sure if it was fungal so I added aquarium salt last night and was going to pick up an anti fungal today. However when I check on her this morning, her gills appeared bright red, some slight pineconing, and she is struggling to swim straight with new fin damage. I’ve been feeding frozen brine shrimp and bloodworms. All water parameters are good (I did a H2O change a couple of days ago) I included them below:

Nitrate: 10

Nitrite: 0

PH: 7.0

KH: 80

GH: 60

Temp: 78 F

The photos are from yesterday and her condition has since worsened drastically. Any help on diagnosis or treatment would be greatly appreciated!



Edited by Stinson Beach Aquatics
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Pineconing can  because by number of things such as an internal bacterial infections or  organ failure causing fluid buildup in the body cavity with redness and other symptoms could have a bacterial component what would do is treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons to help reduce fluid buildup and do a course of  maracyn2 and metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days he's a medicated food recipe for maracyn2 just add one scoop of metroplex to food recipe that will provide a broad spectrum treatment if it not eating I would dose the tank with maracyn2 and metroplex @Stinson Beach Aquatics


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Seems an appropriate choice. But you do realize that there is no real antibiotic in those. More of essential oils. Used for prevention they should work. Kind of like catapa leaves in a bottle. Just keep an eye out for anything that looks suspicious. I’m sure you’re going to do that anyway. Especially after the last one 😢

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Yes. Both maracyn2 and metroplex are antibiotics. maracyn and em erythromycin are both the same antibiotic. Erythromycin. Those still work to a degree. I haven’t used metroplex yet. But both maracyn2 and kanaplex are my go to treatment for bacterial problems. Kanaplex in a quarantine tank as it damages both plants and snails. Maracyn2 in food is good. Or in planted tanks. Petsmart or petco for em erythromycin. Lfs or Amazon for the rest 

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On 7/30/2024 at 4:22 PM, Stinson Beach Aquatics said:

Definitely! Thank you for the advice. Does Maracyn2 and Metroplex have antibiotics whereas Pimafix and Melafix doesn’t? I’m just curious because Maracyn2 and Metroplex is harder to find locally for me than API. 

I wouldn't recommend melafix or pimafix there more of a mild antiseptic treatments pimafix can work against some fungal infections when used in conjunction with aquarium salt for anything more serious you would want maracyn2 kanaplex or maracyn 

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On 7/30/2024 at 2:29 PM, Colu said:

I wouldn't recommend melafix or pimafix there more of a mild antiseptic treatments pimafix can work against some fungal infections when used in conjunction with aquarium salt for anything more serious you would want maracyn2 kanaplex or maracyn 

Thank you very much! That makes sense. I’m not sure if this is something too but I’m keeping a close eye on everything. If I see any noticeable symptoms I’ll begin treatment with the antibiotics.



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White lip can be an indication of the  start of mouth rot that can be associated with columnaris I would keep a very close eye the fish with white lips and start treating straight away if it gets worse

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