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55 gallon stocking confusion

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Hi Guys,

I currently have 3 tanks (a 29, 20L and flex 9). I am looking at getting a 55 gallon and I'm pretty set on getting some angels for it.

However, I'm getting so much conflicting info online about how many angels I can stock / if even any at all??

Co-Op has a blog stating 6 angels + smaller fish, other places I've read says a 55 is barely big enough for even 2 angels.

I would consider myself a pretty seasoned fish keeper and all 3 of my tanks are very stable and I've even got some Panduro breeding in a my 29g community.

I guess my question is I really have no idea how many fish I can put in a 55g... I've used AQadvisor but I'm weary with it, all of my current tanks are roughly 120-150% stock according to their site but I've never had an issue.

It will be over filtered with a canister and a HOB. The HOB is coming with and I have a Fluval 307 already.

I was personally thinking something along these lines.. 

  • 4-6 Angels
  • 10-12 Tetras , maybe Congos?
  • 10 cory's , maybe Sterbai?
  • 1 Bristlenose

would this work? Could I also put another type of Tetra as well? Worried the tank will seem empty with that stocking.

Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance!

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I think you're stocking list would be fine. 

IMO and IME, a group of 6 angels that are raised together will likely be fine in a tank of that size unless you get pairs trying to breed. Separating the breeding pairs or just offering plenty of sight breaks and places to hide would be my move. 

Just like anything else, there's always the chance you get a random angel that just doesn't put up with others, but that's the exception and not the rule. 

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On 7/28/2024 at 6:28 PM, Chris said:

IMO and IME, a group of 6 angels that are raised together will likely be fine in a tank of that size unless you get pairs trying to breed. Separating the breeding pairs or just offering plenty of sight breaks and places to hide would be my move

@Wadikus that there is going to be your problem. I tried 6 in a 75 and they did fine. Right up until breeding. I ended up with 2 pairs. One very mild. One marble set the male was downright nasty. Even pushed rainbows onto the bottom on the other side of the tank. And the unpaired angels to the opposite corner. He and his mate had to move to a breeding tank. Angels grow very slowly after they get to that size and continue growing for several years after. So a 55 is okay for a while, but you’ll need bigger as they fully mature. You’ll know when it’s time for a larger tank. They can get huge at that stage. 

you may be able to stop aggression by separating sexes if you can figure them out. After a while you can tell. I know who my boys are. Angels aren’t really aggressive unless breeding. But they’re cichlids, so behavior is variable 

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In my 55 I have 6 Angels. As others have stated, just be aware when they pair off and start to breed. Thankfully, my pair isn’t super crazy, so I just pull the eggs and everything returns to normal the following day. 

Your stocking seems fine to me. Congo Tetras seem a little big to me. I went with more numbers of a smaller tetra. Be aware that Bristlenose can rasp some of your plants to death, like Amazon Swords. 

Overall, sounds like a rad tank that’s similar to mine that’s been up and running for 4 years now. It’s one of my favorite tanks. 

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On 7/28/2024 at 11:20 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

In my 55 I have 6 Angels. As others have stated, just be aware when they pair off and start to breed. Thankfully, my pair isn’t super crazy, so I just pull the eggs and everything returns to normal the following day. 

Your stocking seems fine to me. Congo Tetras seem a little big to me. I went with more numbers of a smaller tetra. Be aware that Bristlenose can rasp some of your plants to death, like Amazon Swords. 

Overall, sounds like a rad tank that’s similar to mine that’s been up and running for 4 years now. It’s one of my favorite tanks. 

Thanks for the reply and everyone else too, I thought Congos because I was worried that maybe the angels would bully something smaller? I already have Diamonds (which are giants and rowdy as hell) in my 29G, along with Rummys too so there's 2 tetras that are already accounted for. I was also worried about getting something too "quick" for the angels as I heard they can get out competed for food etc and my rummys and diamonds are absolutely savage.

I could do lemons or something, i'd love the new red cherry tetra i see popping up but no one around has them in Canada.

Yes my current Bristlenose obliterated my sword so I am well aware lol, I love him though.

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On 7/29/2024 at 12:38 AM, Wadikus said:

was also worried about getting something too "quick" for the angels as I heard they can get out competed for food

I have praecox rainbows in with mine. They’re small and fast. But I am feeding the angels. They get to fight among themselves for what flows past the angels. 🤣  No, they’re fine. But really, I make sure my angels get fed first and foremost. And they both beg for food on a nonstop basis.

I have lemons, but not in there. Lemons concern me with angels. I tried to put a pair of gold rams with them once because lemons are supposed to be peaceful. Mine savaged the pair. I’m just lucky I got them out in time.

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On 7/28/2024 at 11:53 PM, Tony s said:

I have praecox rainbows in with mine. They’re small and fast.

I have them in with mine, too. Didn’t start out that way, but when I wanted to change the tank they were in they ended up with the Angels. 

I had 20 Cardinal Tetras in with mine. I say had as that was about 4 years ago, and now I’m down to just the last handful. 

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On 7/29/2024 at 10:28 AM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

I had 20 Cardinal Tetras in with mine

4 years with cardinals is pretty good. I have yet to try them. But they have the reputation of being sort of finicky on parameters 

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On 7/29/2024 at 11:07 AM, Tony s said:

But they have the reputation of being sort of finicky on parameters

Maybe I just got lucky, or maybe my water is just what they like (softer, lower ph, with just a little buffer) but I had no issues with them. 

Definitely not liquid rock water for me, and I stay away from fish that need or even prefer that. 

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On 7/29/2024 at 2:55 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

Maybe I just got lucky, or maybe my water is just what they like (softer, lower ph, with just a little buffer) but I had no issues with them. 

Definitely not liquid rock water for me, and I stay away from fish that need or even prefer that. 

I've had the same experience with my Rummy's which are also notoriously finnicky.. ~3 years with the same 10 in the 29 gallon and I do have liquid rock!

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