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10-gallon stocking ideas?


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Hello. This is my newly rescaped 10-gallon planted tank with co2 injection. I'd like to add a group of pygmy corydoras and some mid-water schooling fish, but I'm scared the bioload will be out of balance. The guppy fry are here temporarily due to aggressive tankmates where they came from, so I'll have to wait a while to have a free tank. Otherwise, I'm open to any suggestions 🙂Screenshot2024-07-28015154.png.53b37aadf2047a43be30dcb21ff1fd0c.png

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I think that is a very doable plan.

In a 10 gallon, smaller mid water schooling fish will be a boon.. And with smaller fish, bright bold coloration makes them more imposing than their size alone would show.


Green Neon Tetras, and Espei Rasboras both fill that bill nicely.


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Chili Rasbora, or any other bright flashy nano fish maybe cherry barbs which are only about an inch full grown.  I love the dozen I have bought juveniles and growing them out so fun watching them mature and changing 

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If you search for 10g stocking ideas on this forum you’ll find about a billion topics on here to give you more ideas!

But your plan sounds very reasonable. For schooling fish I’d say anything that tops out around an inch. So green neons, chili rasboras (and other small rasbora species), ember tetras, and small killifish like the clown or rocket killis (but keep in mind they generally don’t live very long).

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Chilli rasboras. Green neons, some good options!! WCMMs, a little bit bigger fish, but so hardy they could possibly go in a 5g. Phoenix rasboras. So out of those, I highly recommend chilli rasboras. WCMMS would be cool. But with Pygmy’s kinda would be tightly stocked. Your plan sounds good. But I like what @EricksonAquatics said about searching on the forum. I have posted a topic just like this in the past actually too!

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