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Brown stripe down guppy


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17219078241974795029710761199066.jpg.80ade4d295f4a6034de3b5d4362d8efb.jpg17219078755963659534121842099007.jpg.036083075edc4ff590e04e74043d080a.jpgHi.  One of my guppies has developed a brown stripe down the side of its body including the dorsal fin.  Assuming it was a potential bacterial infection and noticing that it wasn't moving as quickly as the others in the tank (all of which are still fine and show no signs of disease) I treated the tank with Melafix for 7 days.  Although the particular fish started acting more normally there has been no change on the brown stripe.  I wonder if others think this is bacterial and if so if I should continue treatment or not even through the fish it now acting normally?  Any advice appreciated.  I have attached a photo of the fish concerned.  Thanks!! 

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On 7/25/2024 at 7:45 AM, riko said:

I treated the tank with Melafix for 7 days.

Yeah, that’s not going to do much for an active bacterial infection. There’s no real antibiotic in it. You’re going to need something like maracyn2 since it’s a planted tank. Kanaplex if it wasn’t. Amazon or a local fish store should have it. 

There is a high probability that this is columnaris. What they call saddleback disease. It’s also highly contagious. So a whole tank treatment is needed. 

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Thanks.  Unfortunately I'm in the UK where you can't buy Maracyn but I found a recommendation for another equivalent product so will give it a try.

It is waterlife myxazin

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The active ingredient acriflavine in waterlife myxazin will treat bacterial and fungal infections can be harmful to plants I would quarantine and treat if you can

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