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Is this wen growth or fungal?


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Is anyone able to tell if this is wen growth or fungal/bacteria? This ranchu usually moves around exploring the tank, for the past few days he mostly just stays mid tank without swimming around, mostly still in one spot. Has been eating normally, tank is fully cycled and water paremeters are normal. Thanks for your help. (I added aquarium salt to this tank 1 week ago) 




Edited by rsousa
forgot to mention salt was added 1 week ago
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Possible wren growth with lethargic behaviour your seeing I would leave the aquarium salt in for another week then give an update what level of salt of you using 

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Posted (edited)
On 7/25/2024 at 7:41 AM, Colu said:

Possible wren growth with lethargic behaviour your seeing I would leave the aquarium salt in for another week then give an update what level of salt of you using 

Hi @Colu, I was using 1tbsp per 5 gallon, he was in a 10 gallon container. He doesn't move much and hasn't been eating in days, On 7/26 I started him on Seachem Polyguard out of desperation. Now those white things on his wen have turned dark, and I also see some darker coloration his side. It seems like there is wen degeneration around his eyes too.  I added new pictures, please advise. 😞 










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Could be a bacterial infections of wren what I would do is up the level of aquarium salt to 1 table spoon for two gallons Polyguard has multiple active ingredient I don't  like to  use the shotgun approach kanaplex or maracyn2 would be my preferred choice of antibiotic treatment I would finish the full course of Polyguard then if your seeing no improvement treat with one of the medication I recommended both are broad spectrum antibiotic treatments @rsousa

Edited by Colu
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@rsousa if you have a fish vet nearby, you might see if you can get in on an emergency basis. That way they can get a sample and find out what the issue is and id the bacteria. that will be sort of expensive though. @Colu is very good, but sometimes IDing things long distance can be tough and the medications are limited over the counter. And people can get very attached to their wet pets like your goldfish. And nobody wants you to lose him. 

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