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3 month old tank help.

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Good evening all.

I need some guidance. I am not new to the hobby, but I am new to fresh water. I have a 36 bow front. I always ran salt water reef tanks, but it was time for a change.

I thought I did everything right. Gravel substrate because it's easier to vacuum and keep clean. Didn't put any fish in for the first 3 months. I did put a few plants in, but they haven't been looking so well. 

Almost zero nitrates. I do have hard water. I also have a high ph. 7.5 from what I can see. My plan was a community tank, with plenty of plants.

Here is my question. I purchased bio active african cichlid gravel. I was just informed that this gravel is awful for planted tanks and a lot of the community fish that i was hoping to have.

I have some water sprite, java fern, anubius, along with spider wood. Do I really need to break this tank down and start over? I am hopeful I can still have plants and some cherry shrimp. Maybe a few neons. Any help and guidance will be greatly appreciated. 






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All these plants you have mentioned are rhizome and floaters. The water sprite can be a great floater. I have one that is thriving. The anubias and Java fern are on the spiderwood right? As it is not good for plants like that to be in the gravel, as they are rhizomes.really looks like a Amazon sword to me in the pics but maybe I am wrong. I would just take the water sprite out of gravel, and just let it float, as far as java fern and anubias, you can glue them to the wood with gel glue. 

I would not restart as you are so far in. Do you fertilize your plants? As that is a HUGE part of aquarium plants. EG ferts from AC is best. A all in one fertilizer. @mviveiros1976.

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Thanks for the quick reply. You are correct, I do have 2 amazon swords as well. The java fern and anubius are glued to either pieces of wood or rock. 

I did put a few root tabs near the Amazon swords and water sprite. I also have flourish for the water, but will be purchasing easy green since I keep hearing it is the best.

I will float my water sprite if you think I have a better chance of it surviving. Any thoughts on shrimp and community fish? Am I safe to put them in? 

I should have mentioned, I had 5 neon fish. 4 died on me in 2 days. That is how I found out my gravel may be the problem. 

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On 7/24/2024 at 6:07 PM, mviveiros1976 said:

I had 5 neon fish. 4 died on me in 2 days.

If you got them from a big box store, probably nothing you did wrong. They have been very difficult to keep alive from there. I usually expect upwards of 60% or more of losses. the genetics from those sources are off. If you want neons, I'd probably get them from a higher end source like Dan's fish

Edited by Tony s
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You are using African Cichlid substrate which I did look at a product that seemed similar to what you have in the tank and it said that it shouldn't raise the ph or hardness of the water. I would question this though because it is a product for African Cichlid's which enjoy harder water and the product has things in it to recreate this environment of harder water. Do I think this is the issue no not really. I think knowing what your water parameters are would be helpful. And what you current stocking is how long you have had this stocking and what you plan to stock the tank with in the future.

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My water parameters are a little tough because I use the test strips, but I did go to a pet store and they said everything looked good. He said my ph was high at 7.5, so I purchased the ph kit to keep an eye on things. 

My goal for this tank was plants, driftwood, cherry shrimp, and some simple community fish like neons, a bristlenose pleco which I have. I wanted to keep it very simple with a low bio load. I was hoping the plants, shrimp, and regular water changes would keep my tank super clean.

Thanks for all the help everyone. 

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A ph of 7.5 is really not that high if it was like at 9 let's say that would be high. You plants seem to be doing alright as mentioned before a liquid fertilizer would be beneficial. Your stocking seems fine just keep an eye on ammonia and nitrite levels. Someone already said this but neon tetras are known to have weak genetics making them very sustainable to illness and sudden death. Cardinal tetras and green neon tetras are similar in color to neons if that is the look you are going for.

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On 7/24/2024 at 6:07 PM, mviveiros1976 said:

Thanks for the quick reply. You are correct, I do have 2 amazon swords as well. The java fern and anubius are glued to either pieces of wood or rock. 

I did put a few root tabs near the Amazon swords and water sprite. I also have flourish for the water, but will be purchasing easy green since I keep hearing it is the best.

I will float my water sprite if you think I have a better chance of it surviving. Any thoughts on shrimp and community fish? Am I safe to put them in? 

I should have mentioned, I had 5 neon fish. 4 died on me in 2 days. That is how I found out my gravel may be the problem. 

You could prob add some shrimp soon maybe. But i might go ahead with some stocking of a schooling fish and keep a eye on things. Parameters i mean, make sure ammonia nitrite are 0 especially. 

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