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Tetra sickness identification?

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Hello all!

I recently purchased seven rummynose tetras and I noticed one has begun to swim sideways occasionally in the last 24 hours. The movement is sporadic and the fish seems to be slightly paler but otherwise healthy. I have one three spot gourami and two nerite snails in the tank as well. In terms of parameters, the tank is at 78 degrees, no nitrites of nitrates, and the PH is around 7 according to API test strips. For food, I am feeding mostly frozen brine shrimp with some Hikari vibrabites, and frozen bloodworms. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I also attached a YouTube video of the fish’s unusual swim pattern. Thank you!


Edited by Stinson Beach Aquatics
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Looks like a problem with swim bladder that can be caused by the fish over eating and stomach putting pressure on the swim bladder an injury to the swim bladder or a bacterial or parasitic infection what I would is fast for a couple of days and treat with plain unsented epsom salt in a bath using 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as muscle relaxant to help relieve pressure on the swim bladder if your seeing no improvement after a couple of days than I would do a course of maracyn2 just in case there's a bacterial component @Stinson Beach Aquatics

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Posted (edited)

Good to know! Thank you. I don’t think it could be overfeeding because they finish their daily food in under 2 minutes but you never know. 🤷‍♂️ I don’t have any epson salt on hand but I’ll plan on picking some up tomorrow and giving it a try. Do you recommend once a day for five days or more frequently? Thanks again!


Edited by Stinson Beach Aquatics
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On 7/24/2024 at 3:00 AM, Stinson Beach Aquatics said:

Good to know! Thank you. I don’t think it could be overfeeding because they finish their daily food in under 2 minutes but you never know. 🤷‍♂️ I don’t have any epson salt on hand but I’ll plan on picking some up tomorrow and giving it a try. Do you recommend once a day for five days or more frequently? Thanks again!


You can do upto 3 times a day I think it's more stressful doing salt baths multiple times a day 

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They are super prone to stress and all moves and changes and water differences are stressing them out. You should not randomly salt your tank, as it does not help your plants and fishing it out will only stress it more. So maybe give it time to settle and lets see in few days? 

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