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2 moved, 1 new setup and 3 to go!! My moving of tanks!

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Hey all been pretty absent for a good bit,  got into our new place, been currently working on my old house which goes on the market monday, her old house which just went under contract, and of course the new one, while still working full time! The night we closed both our trucks got hammered by hail and 4 days later my 13 year old german shepherd had to cross that rainbow bridge. Been a crazy time.

So last week I moved over the 10gal med/qt tank as well as a new 20 long I had to get them up and running. For now their in the "fish lair" (the room with the crawlspace she refuses to go in) So I took that over for supplies and what not. 

Last night father and law and I caught and bagged the 27 fish in my planted 40 and got that moved over, everyone made it and we learned this scissortail rasboras really like to jump! Picked a few of them up off the floor! Unfortunately my scaping took a beating but for now it's running and I can deal with that later. Tonight the Ceylon puffer and the 55 will move up. And hopefully this weekend we have the chore of trying to move the 125, really hoping that goes well as the geophagus tapajos and severums are just thriving in that tank! The raphael cat is in the 20gal for now. He will get moved into the 125 as he is getting some size on him! Oh and there's  the betta to move but that will be simple. 

Pretty excited to have these in the basement in case of any leaks, we've been trying to figure out where to put a nice show tank upstairs, possibly the puffer but I just don't have the time right now.  And still need to come up with a pump system for downstairs as our septic would need a evacuation pit and all that to drain.  So for now it's buckets and stairs!

Wish us luck on the rest!! Trying to teach the golden, Ravioli fish are friends...he wanted to show off his shark!





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