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Sick Betta fish


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If anybody can please help? This is my Betta Comet who has a bump on his side. I bought the 3 med trio and am just using the maracyn first then plan to move to the paracleanse,ick x last. He’s in a hospital tank which is 78 degrees,filtered,and has an air stone.nitrates are 0,ph is 7.5,kh is 40,and gh is 60. Any help would be greatly appreciated! 


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I wouldn't do the meds trio. I would try fritz macaryn and aquarium salt, doing water changes every other day. The reason why you shouldn't do the meds trio is because each of those meds should be used for the disease/ infections that they treat. For example if you were to use ich x in the trio, it wouldn't much of anything because that med is used for ich and other external parasites. Different meds can take a toll on fish if they aren't sick to that illness. does this make sense?

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My platinum male betta just got done with treatment for popeye (albeit just one eye was looking bad). I moved him to a 10 gallon hospital tank with aquarium salt (one tablespoon per gallon) and Maracyn. I kept the temp at 78 and performed water changes every 2 days. I fed him sparingly every couple days after he perked back up and his swelling went down. He started looking better after a couple days and made a full recovery within 3 weeks since I put him in treatment.

It sounds like you are doing everything that you can, I would give it some more time. Also, I noticed the decor in the photo and wanted to point out that it would also be good to make sure there is nothing rough or pointy in his hospital tank that can further injure/irritate him. When my boy was in treatment, I just threw in some guppy grass for him to hide in, but it did not do so well in the salt 😬

Anyways, good luck! He looks like a fighter! 

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