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Multiple tank syndrome

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Hi All -- 

Is there a place on the forum to discuss giving away some of my fish? Is the general discussion the right area. I'm not looking to sell.


Peter L


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On 7/10/2024 at 8:18 AM, gardenman said:

At the bottom, there's a fish/swap/sell/trade post where you can offer things up. I'm not sure how many people use it though.

You have to have 50 posts before the swap/sell/trade forum becomes unlocked for you, though, if I'm remembering correctly.

Edited to add: Oh, but I guess I get to do my aquarium club evangelizing!

If there are any aquarium clubs near you, you can likely auction or donate fish (and plants, and equipment, and hardscape...) to the other members. ACO maintains a non-exhaustive list here: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/apps/store-locator

I highly recommend clubs, because you can usually find great deals on fish and plants (etc.) but also because it's a great way to meet other fish nerds in your area.

Edited by Rube_Goldfish
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By sheer coincidence, I also am in southern New Hampshire and will probably have some fish to give away in another 6-8 weeks.  I just discovered a whole lot of half-grown danio fry in my pond, so when I net them out for the winter I'll have a count of how many I can keep vs give away.  What kind do you have?

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Most lfs will help you rehome fish if absolutely necessary. But won’t really help with selling your unused equipment. But maybe they would let you put up a couple of notices. Also have Craig’s list or aquabid 

But, yeah, finding good people for pets is an important as well 

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What I have is a 14 gallon frameless with many cherry shrimp in it. It is very well seasoned and I only have to do water changes about once every 3 months. It has a "lawn" of sußwassertang which is nice because it sucks up the nitrates and provides space for the young ones and surface area for biofilm. I'm looking to give the whole thing away. It will allow me to get down to just my 55 and 140 tanks. I will look into the local fish clubs. Thanks all, 

Peter L

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