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Shrimp or Fish

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My new 40B has been up and running for 2 weeks now. I still have a few plants I want to add, but then I was thinking about adding shrimp first and then once the tank becomes more seasoned add fish.

Any wisdom on this would be very helpful, thank you 


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Shrimp would benefit from the tank seasoning more than fish would, since they often don't do well in new tanks, but it would also benefit shrimp to have some time in the tank to build up a colony before adding fish.  I know that's not much help, but it is what it is.

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Also, If I gotta be honest, it is very unlikely for shrimplets to live with such scape even if the adults do. The fish will actively hunt the shrimplets down if not the adults.


I would cycle and start with midcolumn swimmer fish slowly. No bottom dwellers, until my plants have strong roots enough to not have my scape damaged. In fact, keeping corydoras on aquasoil is a big question for me ngl. It didn't go well for me before after a year of time.

I hesitate to keep cories on full aquasoil now myself. Hard to keep clean and I had barbel issues/bacterial problems gradually.

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fish first. the only way i would go the other way is if the vast majority of hard scape came out of an established aquarium. go for fish first, then give it a month or more prior to adding shrimp.

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