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Aquarium super show

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I live in California and they’re having their first fish event since I’ve started fish keeping, Aquairum super show. Never been to a fish event. Anything I should expect and anything I should do to prepare?

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On 6/26/2024 at 12:21 PM, k0olmini said:

I live in California and they’re having their first fish event since I’ve started fish keeping, Aquairum super show. Never been to a fish event. Anything I should expect and anything I should do to prepare?

     I had never heard of this event (living in Fl). It looks like a huge event, like Aquashella. I wonder if any of the Fishtubers we're familiar with will be there. I've only been to Aquashella once, and it was a blast. I don't know if they will have talks and greet and meet opportunities, but I'd recommend getting there early. With Aquashella, I wasn't able to buy anything since the prices on fish were so high, but I got to listen to some great talks and enjoy some amazing aquascapes that were on display. I hope you have a blast and share any pics from the experience😀

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Looks like to me it's rebranded Family Pet Expo. I had a blast at the one they did in Washington. If it's close I'd definitely recommend going, if you're local and want more events like that, easiest way is to participate 😉

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