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I'm stuck trying to decide what to do with an empty tank - open to suggestions

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The tank in question is 30x30x122cm, which according to volume calculators is about 100l/26g. I really like the look of long shallow tanks, but I'm a little paralysed by the many possibilities now.

I'm not interested in high tech plant aquascaping or marine (if this is even suited for the latter), mainly because of the cost and associated stress/complications of that end of things.

I already have an Eheim classic 250 currently unused that would be the right size but if I'm being honest, i find canister filters a bit annoying - and Eheim especially are very clumsy to clean. I like and use sponge filters/internal power filters, so anything short any setup requiring a sump or something like that, i'd be game for in order to suit a particular set up. I've always admired the "big rocks and brightly coloured cichlids" tanks, but I also love the idea of making a flowing river/stream aesthetic since the tank dimensions are so well suited.

Top fish I've been considering so far (not all mixed together obviously):

Kribs for breeding (did this before, loved it), tightly schooling danios, smaller rift lake cichlids (which ones?), a big shoal of corydoras (or whatever we're calling them now)...

What else could I do that I might not have considered? Please enlighten me 🙂



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Well, if you like the "big rock" tanks, and you like the flowing river idea, why not combine them?  Put in an undergravel filter with the uptake and a good powerhead in one corner, then build a rocky streambed with some big pieces in the back wall, and let the flow bounce down the entire length of the tank before returning up the otherway along the bottom.  Put in some hillstream loaches and other fish that can enjoy a bit of a current.  Bonus points if you disguise the uptake/powerhead in hardscape.  

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I used to have a 30L tank, which I believe is about that size. I did two different cichlid things with it:

1) Peaceful mbuna tank, housing yellow labs and rusty cichlids. Lots of rocks, not much fighting. Pretty neat!

2) Kribensis colony, this time well-planted. Great size for these little cichlids!

Edited by AtomicSunfish
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On 6/26/2024 at 3:00 AM, macdaddy36 said:

will the tank have a lid?

what are your parameters like?

Yes, always lids. My tap water is:
PH - 7.8, N03 - 1.0, KH - 5.9, GH - 6.8


On 6/25/2024 at 9:44 PM, AtomicSunfish said:

Peaceful mbuna tank, housing yellow labs and rusty cichlids. Lots of rocks, not much fighting. Pretty neat!

Ooh, yeah wow those look amazing. That is tempting.


On 6/25/2024 at 4:05 PM, daggaz said:

Well, if you like the "big rock" tanks, and you like the flowing river idea, why not combine them?  Put in an undergravel filter with the uptake and a good powerhead in one corner, then build a rocky streambed with some big pieces in the back wall, and let the flow bounce down the entire length of the tank before returning up the otherway along the bottom.  Put in some hillstream loaches and other fish that can enjoy a bit of a current.  Bonus points if you disguise the uptake/powerhead in hardscape.  

Also an interesting suggestion!

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Maybe some shell dwellers? Or some rock dwellers. Neolamprologus splendens or Julidochromis ornatus? Bit of a different look than normal Tanganyika cichlids. Bit soft on the water, but not terribly.

Edited by Tony s
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/26/2024 at 11:23 AM, Tony s said:

Maybe some shell dwellers? Or some rock dwellers. Neolamprologus splendens or Julidochromis ornatus? Bit of a different look than normal Tanganyika cichlids. Bit soft on the water, but not terribly.

I have been considering some sort of Julies for sure, though I did read about them being a bit aggro once a pair forms? This is how the long tank is looking - it's currently just started cycling so I guess in a month or so I can start to consider what to put in there. The shop water and my water match pretty much exactly, so although the hardness isn't textbook Tanganyika, it's what they've been used to and it makes life easier to acclimatize.

My Ocellatus tank is going well. I got five last week, two significantly smaller than the other three, in the hopes of getting at least one female. Everyone seems to have settled into his/her own area now, and picked a shell/hole in the dragon rock to camp out in. I think long-term, i'll move them into the long tank, but for now I'm just loving watching them busy themselves. It's a bit artless with all my attempts at eye-line breaks but it certainly helped cool the initial aggro.



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On 7/7/2024 at 3:29 AM, Gastroplod said:

It's a bit artless with all my attempts at eye-line breaks but it certainly helped cool the initial aggro

Yeah, I wouldn’t worry about that too much. I believe they’ll do their own decorating after a while anyway 😁

On 7/7/2024 at 3:29 AM, Gastroplod said:

Julies for sure, though I did read about them being a bit aggro once a pair forms

I think that’s possibly true with everything from Africa? But they should be better behaved than most except the really mild shell dwellers.  Looks fantastic!


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