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What should I do? Fin Rot secondary issues


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Good morning!

I started treating my Betta in a 10 Gal tank with Marcaryn 2 yesterday per directions (2 pks). I did a water test last night and Ammonia was 0.0, Nitrates 0.0, but Nitrites were at .50 PPM. So, I gave 5 mil (10x regular directed amount per emergency directions for high nitrites) of Prime Conditioning to reduce the Nitrites. This morning I tested the water again per the parameters above and Nitrites are still .50 PPM and now Nitrates are .20 PPM. I am supposed to add a day 2 packet of Maracyn 2 this morning but I am hesitant and the directions say do not do a water change until day 6 (65% water change). I also added 2 TBS of API aquarium salt to the tank yesterday. What should I do? I am Puzzled! Thank you for you help!! 

Water Parameters:

  • pH 7.4 
  • Nitrates 20 PPM (increase from zero last night)
  • Hardness GH 53.4 ppm (decrease from 89 PPM yesterday)
  • Nitrite .50 PPM (no change from last night)
  • Ammonia 0.0
  • KH/Buffer  53.4 ppm
  • Water Temperature 78.8


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On 6/23/2024 at 1:05 PM, Vonz1 said:

Good morning!

I started treating my Betta in a 10 Gal tank with Marcaryn 2 yesterday per directions (2 pks). I did a water test last night and Ammonia was 0.0, Nitrates 0.0, but Nitrites were at .50 PPM. So, I gave 5 mil (10x regular directed amount per emergency directions for high nitrites) of Prime Conditioning to reduce the Nitrites. This morning I tested the water again per the parameters above and Nitrites are still .50 PPM and now Nitrates are .20 PPM. I am supposed to add a day 2 packet of Maracyn 2 this morning but I am hesitant and the directions say do not do a water change until day 6 (65% water change). What should I do? I am Puzzled! Thank you for you help!! 

Water Parameters:

  • pH 7.4 
  • Nitrates 20 PPM
  • Hardness GH 53.4 ppm (decrease from 89 PPM yesterday)
  • Nitrite .50 PPM
  • Ammonia 0.0
  • KH/Buffer  53.4 ppm
  • Water Temperature 78.8


What you could do is water change and do a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days 


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On 6/25/2024 at 10:36 PM, Nora Loves Corys said:

That level of nitrite is definitely concerning. An easy way to prevent nitrite poisoning is to use salt. Here is an article describing why salt works to prevent nitrite poisoning and how to dose it.

Is this a newly set up tank? I am curious why your nitrites are so high.


On 6/25/2024 at 10:36 PM, Nora Loves Corys said:

That level of nitrite is definitely concerning. An easy way to prevent nitrite poisoning is to use salt. Here is an article describing why salt works to prevent nitrite poisoning and how to dose it.

Is this a newly set up tank? I am curious why your nitrites are so high.

Very informative article. Thank you!

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On 6/26/2024 at 9:18 AM, Vonz1 said:


Very informative article. Thank you!

The thank was setup over a month ago. I never had any issues with Ammonia, Nitrite or Nitrates. Only when I dumped 2 packs of Maracyn 2 did the nitrogen cycle crash and I had a heck of a time getting it back to the 0.0 readings. see my Nitrogen log below. Nitrates where off the charts at one point too. 





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Posted (edited)
On 6/26/2024 at 9:18 AM, Vonz1 said:


Very informative article. Thank you!

The tank was setup over a month ago. I never had any issues with Ammonia, Nitrite or Nitrates. Only when I dumped 2 packs of Maracyn 2 did the nitrogen cycle crash and I had a heck of a time getting it back to the consistent 0.0 readings. see my nitrite log below. Nitrates were off the charts at one point too. 



On 6/26/2024 at 9:37 AM, Nora Loves Corys said:

Why were you adding the Maracyn 2?

Fin rot. Most likely Gram Negative pathogen causing it. Maracyn 2 kills neg gram pathogen. 

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On 6/26/2024 at 9:55 AM, Nora Loves Corys said:

"Fin rot" is a pretty vague, broad description of a number of possible problems and causes. Here is a nice article by Dr. Jessie Sanders, a fish veterinarian, highlighting the importance of maintaining excellent water quality and hygiene to resolve fin problems. Antibiotics aren't as helpful for resolving problems like this as people often think they are--and as in your case, they often cause more harm than good.

I hope everything gets sorted with your aquarium and your fish!

Thanks for the article. I am still planning to use the recipe Colu provided above with Maracyn 2 when I get the last ingredient from Amazon today or tomorrow. Will check out the article you sent though. Thanks again. Cheers!

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Posted (edited)
On 6/26/2024 at 10:02 AM, Vonz1 said:

Thanks for the article. I am still planning to use the recipe Colu provided above with Maracyn 2 when I get the last ingredient from Amazon today or tomorrow. Will check out the article you sent though. Thanks again. Cheers!

I read the article. Some useful info! I did use API freshwater aquarium salt, 2 Tbl for 10 gal tank, but it did not budge the nitrite levels in my tank. Only after a 75% water change and vacucleaning the substrate did nitrites drop to zero and stay there. The article mentions using a scale to measure the salt to achieve 1 ppt but never gives the gram weight to use to achieve 1 ppt. I wish the article would have provided that info, but I can look it it up easy enough on my own. I totally agree with her point that keeping the aquarium water quality clean and satisfactory is paramount to the health of the fish. 

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On 6/23/2024 at 8:14 AM, Colu said:

What you could do is water change and do a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days 


Good morning Colu, I mixed the medication recipe last night with maracyn 2, refrigerated overnight, and then tried feeding Oscar the food mix this morning and he keeps eating each pellet and immediately spitting it out again. He won't eat the medicated food this morning. Should I just keep trying to feed him and eventually he will get hungry enough to ingest it? I am really hoping this medicated food process works, or I may have to move on to plan D, an api aquarium salt treatment hospital tank to cure this fin rot.  Thanks again!

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On 6/27/2024 at 12:44 PM, Vonz1 said:

Good morning Colu, I mixed the medication recipe last night with maracyn 2, refrigerated overnight, and then tried feeding Oscar the food mix this morning and he keeps eating each pellet and immediately spitting it out again. He won't eat the medicated food this morning. Should I just keep trying to feed him and eventually he will get hungry enough to ingest it? I am really hoping this medicated food process works, or I may have to move on to plan D, an api aquarium salt treatment hospital tank to cure this fin rot.  Thanks again!

What I would is keep offering him the food if he gets hungry he should eat it did you add garlic guard to the recipe that will help hide the test of the medication 

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Posted (edited)
On 6/27/2024 at 9:19 AM, Colu said:

What I would is keep offering him the food if he gets hungry he should eat it did you add garlic guard to the recipe that will help hide the test of the medication 

I did add the Garlic Guard to the recipe, as well. He has always been a very picky eater!!! A betta with a foody pallet! lol ugh. And thank you!

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Posted (edited)
On 6/27/2024 at 9:31 AM, Vonz1 said:

I did add the Garlic Guard to the recipe, as well. He has always been a very picky eater!!! A betta with a foody pallet! lol ugh. And thank you!


On 6/27/2024 at 9:19 AM, Colu said:

What I would is keep offering him the food if he gets hungry he should eat it did you add garlic guard to the recipe that will help hide the test of the medication 

Good news, he finally ate 3 medicated pellets this afternoon. 🙂 thanks again.

Oh, I thought this was interesting. Here is the data of my Maracyn 2 Nitrogen cycle crash after I dropped the initial 2 pkg dose in the tank. Nitrites ramped higher, then nitrates. The first drop in nitrite levels (brown line) was after a 40% water change, but rose again, then dropped further after a second 40% water change, rose again then finally zeroed out when I did a 75% water change and substrate vacuumed. To be fair, the Maracyn 2 directions did say that it may kill beneficial bacteria in the tank. During the spike, I did add 10x the normal amount of Prime Conditioner per emergency directions to lower Nitrite levels, to no avail. I really like your Maracyn 2 medicine recipe instead!!



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On 6/27/2024 at 7:09 PM, Vonz1 said:


Good news, he finally ate 3 medicated pellets this afternoon. 🙂 thanks again.

Oh, I thought this was interesting. Here is the data of my Maracyn 2 Nitrogen cycle crash after I dropped the initial 2 pkg dose in the tank. Nitrites ramped higher, then nitrates. The first drop in nitrite levels (brown line) was after a 40% water change, but rose again, then dropped further after a second 40% water change, rose again then finally zeroed out when I did a 75% water change and substrate vacuumed. To be fair, the Maracyn 2 directions did say that it may kill beneficial bacteria in the tank. During the spike, I did add 10x the normal amount of Prime Conditioner per emergency directions to lower Nitrite levels, to no avail. I really like your Maracyn 2 medicine recipe instead!!



That a good sign keep feeding him a small amount  twice a day for the 7 days will go from there 

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On 6/27/2024 at 6:25 PM, Colu said:

That a good sign keep feeding him a small amount  twice a day for the 7 days will go from there 

Sounds great! Thanks again!! 

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Posted (edited)
On 6/27/2024 at 6:25 PM, Colu said:

That a good sign keep feeding him a small amount  twice a day for the 7 days will go from there 

Good morning Colu,

Oscar completed his 7 day Maracyn 2/Focus recipe in his food. I am wondering if I should continue feeding him with the medicine in his food because I don not see, the best I can tell, much improvement. I am thinking about pivoting to Kanaplex. Do you have any recommendations? Thank you!! 

Pictures tracking treatment progress:

Day starting of Rin Rot June 13,  First 2 Pics

Day 1 starting treatment June 27,  3rd pic

Day 8 End of treatment July 3,  4th and 5th pic



Day 0 061324.jpeg

Day 0 061324-2.jpeg

Day 1 062724.png

Day 8 070324-1.png

Day 8 070324-2.png

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On 7/4/2024 at 1:51 PM, Vonz1 said:

Good morning Colu,

Oscar completed his 7 day Maracyn 2/Focus recipe in his food. I am wondering if I should continue feeding him with the medicine in his food because I don not see, the best I can tell, much improvement. I am thinking about pivoting to Kanaplex. Do you have any recommendations? Thank you!! 

Pictures tracking treatment progress:

Day starting of Rin Rot June 13,  First 2 Pics

Day 1 starting treatment June 27,  3rd pic

Day 8 End of treatment July 3,  4th and 5th pic



Day 0 061324.jpeg

Day 0 061324-2.jpeg

Day 1 062724.png

Day 8 070324-1.png

Day 8 070324-2.png

I would monitor for couple of days to see the fins start to improve before doing any more treatment 

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On 7/4/2024 at 3:48 PM, Colu said:

I would monitor for couple of days to see the fins start to improve before doing any more treatment 

Ok will do. Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 7/4/2024 at 7:16 PM, Vonz1 said:

Ok will do. Thanks.

Good evening Colu!

  • pH 7.4
  • Nitrates 0.0
  • Hardness 160ppm
  • Nitrite 0.0
  • Ammonia 0.0
  • KH/Buffer 89ppm
  • Water Temperature  78.3

Seems no matter what I do the fin rot persists, slowly. I fed him the Marycyn 2/Focus garlic guard recipe for 18 days 2x per day as of today. I did start a Kanaplex cycle starting on July 9, July 11, and July 13 with 2 spoon doses each time per package directions. I have not changed the water since July 7. I change the water about 40-50% each week but skipped yesterday because of the Kanaplex medicine in the tank. Not sure when to change the water as the Kanaplex directions do not give any guidance only do not exceed 3 doses. So perhaps I could do a 75 % water change and start over with Kanaplex? Not sure what to do at this point. I am afraid to do a Maracyn 2 cycle directly in the tank again because it so very messed up my Ammonia, Nitrite and nitrate parameters even when I used ample Prime conditioner 10x dosage on bottle did nothing.  I even started putting Indian Almond leves in the tank a few days ago to provide natural antifungal, bacterial tannins in the tank. I hope you can give some guidance. Thank you. Pic below showing the tail notched out by the fin rot as of today. 


Oscar 071524.jpeg

Oscar 071524 2.jpeg

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Clear edges to fins can be a sign it's starting to heal i wouldn't recommend treating with more antibiotics I would just keep Indian almond leaves in his tank and as long as you seeing no redness to the fins or the fins start to recede i would treat with kanaplex @Vonz1 

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On 7/16/2024 at 3:28 PM, Colu said:

Clear edges to fins can be a sign it's starting to heal i wouldn't recommend treating with more antibiotics I would just keep Indian almond leaves in his tank and as long as you seeing no redness to the fins or the fins start to recede i would treat with kanaplex @Vonz1 

Thank you Colu for the advice. I will continue to treat with kanaplex then. 

He has had clear edge fins since the beginning of the fin rot so I am confused with that and I try to measure from the beginning of the fins from the end of his body to the beginning of the fin rot to see if that distance is getting shorter (fin rot increasing) or longer (fin rot decreasing) and it appears to be the same distance so no improvement or a slight increase in fin rot. Hard to tell. He has a great appetite and is swimming and active so that is a good sign. Thanks again!!


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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 7/16/2024 at 3:35 PM, Vonz1 said:

Thank you Colu for the advice. I will continue to treat with kanaplex then. 

He has had clear edge fins since the beginning of the fin rot so I am confused with that and I try to measure from the beginning of the fins from the end of his body to the beginning of the fin rot to see if that distance is getting shorter (fin rot increasing) or longer (fin rot decreasing) and it appears to be the same distance so no improvement or a slight increase in fin rot. Hard to tell. He has a great appetite and is swimming and active so that is a good sign. Thanks again!!


Hi Colu,


Just a quick good news update. Oscar is making great progress with his fin rot. Really did not see much progress with the Maracyn 2, focus, garlic guard recipe initially. I did feed him the recipe 2x per day for 23 days. I did switch from Maracyn 2 to Kannaplex for the recipe and I have been feeding him that for 14 days and added worms for the past 2 weeks and his fins are finally healing nicely and growing. I'm taking him off the medication and feeding him his regular diet. The process took way longer than I expected but I am sure it takes a while for the antibiotics to get into his fins. Thanks again for the advice and Maracyn2/Kanaplex recipe. 



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