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Further Adventures in Gastromyzon (Mis)Identification

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Or, “what happens when you buy rare fish at Petco.”

This is Patch, who looked like a normal Gastromyzon ctenocephalus a couple days ago.  Then the air conditioning in the room with the tank got bumped and went on “fan only” mode on a 100 degree day.  Now we are not only shiny, but being kind of a jerk to our tank mates, which makes me wonder if these are breeding colors?  I have no clue.  

The rest are looking a bit more deeply colored / vibrant, but nobody else developed a shiny golden rear end all the sudden.



Edited by Epiphanaea
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On 6/20/2024 at 8:12 PM, Epiphanaea said:

Or, “what happens when you buy rare fish at Petco.”

This is Patch, who looked like a normal Gastromyzon ctenocephalus a couple days ago.  Then the air conditioning in the room with the tank got bumped and went on “fan only” mode on a 100 degree day.  Now we are not only shiny, but being kind of an asshole to our tank mates, which makes me wonder if these are breeding colors?  I have no clue.  

The rest are looking a bit more deeply colored / vibrant, but nobody else developed a shiny golden rear end all the sudden.



Tbh have no experience with the specie but possible the temperature swing triggered breeding mode. Your probably on the money about the color breeding dress. Also I'm assuming that is a male.

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There are plenty of online pictures of these guys with blue fins, so seems normal, but yeah can't find any with a golden butt.  😄  Pretty fish, how do they compare with the standard hillstream loach?

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I love the actual feint blue lines on some of these hillstream species. There is a book out there you can order and if you're interested in all in these specific species I would highly recommend checking it out. I found out about it by using a site designed for loaches based on the same sort of concepts as planet catfish.

I can get the link and find it if you're interested, but I'm here for the journey! Beautiful photos. Looking forward to seeing more.

FYI @Epiphanaea please make sure you censor your OP.

On 6/20/2024 at 5:12 PM, Epiphanaea said:

I have no clue.  

Rachel O'Leary has Wonder videos about her loaches, breeding, and interviews with other loach breeders. Something to check out as well if you're simply unsure what behavior you're seeing.

Mine used to use the top of a pleco cave or flat surface and play "King of the hill" trying to have that spot.  It's not necessarily breeding behavior, but just about food, social hierarchy, and who might be the one that gets things first.

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On 6/21/2024 at 1:21 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I love the actual feint blue lines on some of these hillstream species. There is a book out there you can order and if you're interested in all in these specific species I would highly recommend checking it out. I found out about it by using a site designed for loaches based on the same sort of concepts as planet catfish.


I know the book you mean - The Borneo Suckers by H.H.Tan, right? - but it’s out of my budget for the moment.  Do you own it?  

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