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Is a 10 gallon too small for tight schooling behavior?

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I’ve been thinking about putting a school of green neon tetras in a 10 gallon single species tank. 

I’d like to see a tight schooling behavior. In your experience, will they display that in there or will it be too small and they’ll feel safe spreading out? 

The alternative is green neons in a 20 gallon community and move CPDs that are currently in the 20 to 10 gallon

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On 6/19/2024 at 12:05 PM, jwcarlson said:

If you want tight schooling get rummynose (which you can't really put in a 10 gallon).  In my experience cardinals and neons are almost not schooling fish at all.

After doing some browsing, it appears you’re correct! Rummynose seem to be the general consensus of best schoolers on our aquarium scales 

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On 6/19/2024 at 12:13 PM, David3516 said:

Rummynose seem to be the general consensus of best schoolers

problem with rummynose, they seem fine. then the next day ich everywhere. then the next day, no more rummynose

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My personal favorite would be either silver tip tetras or red tail rasbora (brilliant green rasbora) both very tight schoolers. so much so, my eight year old was playing with the rasboras at our lfs. they were tightly following her hands around the tank. 

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On 6/19/2024 at 11:18 AM, Tony s said:

problem with rummynose, they seem fine. then the next day ich everywhere. then the next day, no more rummynose

I don't think I've ever heard of ich killing something in 24 hours.  Epistylis maybe.

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I have 15 Green Neons in a 29 gallon.  They will often be close together in a cluster, and often enough they will also be scattered across the tank.


so moments of schooling but nothing consistent… 

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With neons you typically only see tight schooling when the shoal reaches 75+ in most people’s observations…. Or when you introduce possible predators like cichlids. 

Either way I find most schooling species often get comfortable with no predators and start to strike off on their own only really forming tight schools to socialize or sleep

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On 6/19/2024 at 1:48 PM, jwcarlson said:

I don't think I've ever heard of ich killing something in 24 hours.  Epistylis maybe.

🤣 That was not my story.🤣 I borrowed it from Jason Adams🤣. But they do have that reputation.

He's also said that silvertips will form kind of a fish tornado in very large groups 😁

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