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Chili Rasboras, help please

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I really love these guys.  I had ten in my planted tank that were doing quite well until the tank crashed and I lost them.  After doing a huge 95% water change and getting the tank stabilized, I tried to reintroduce 20 more.  But they just started disappearing, like half of them after the first day, another 5 the next day.. and so on.  I've got one hardy survivor now.

The tank hovers around 7 to 7.5 pH (the water is hard with a lot of buffer).  There is a small UGF with a powerhead that gives circulation, but unless they are directly in the first part of the stream its not enough to knock them around and most of the tank has extremely gentle flow and quiet, shady areas which they quickly congregated to.  There are less tannins after the water change, but its still got a darker shade to it; the water is otherwise crystal clear.  

I don't know, maybe they weren't eating enough.  I had tiny tiny daphnia in the tank, plus there are a ton of plants with lots of biofilm, and I was grinding up high protein flakes which I had given to the first batch, but this time around they didnt really go for it..  The tank has 5 small glass catfish which are doing very well, and 3 small siamese algae eaters, none of which were harassing the chilis let alone big enough to eat them.   It's also got 12 cherry shrimp and 2 amaro's, also all doing quite well.  

I'd really like to get some breeding, any advice?  I love these little guys.  

Edited by daggaz
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I’m sorry for your loss. Chilis are very small. Amano shrimp have been reported to eat small fish and baby fish. Basically anything they can over power. Siamese algae eaters will also latch on to still fish in the dark. 
It could be something else all together but these two species I would not keep small fish with. 

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Your water is similar to mine and isn't ideal for Chilli's so you really have to keep it clean and feed appropriately.

I feed lots of small live foods and frozen cyclops and the tank gets at least one 60% water change a week, usually I do it twice.

Tank is 90 litres which is roughly 24 gallon US with ember tetra and cherry shrimp, sponge filters for filtration.

I did try using RO to soften my water for breeding but only went down to 7.0 as I wasn't confident I could maintain stability below that.

It doesn't help that whenever I look at Chilli's in my local stores I can see at least three separate species all being sold as Chilli Rasbora 😞

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There were never any bodies... so maybe those guys were getting eaten.  The shrimp in particular are healthy and suspiciously energetic.   Hmmm.  Also they weren't in the tank in the first trial.  Hmmm...  


My next thread will be "Help, how do I catch my Siamese Algae Eaters??!" 😄

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On 6/12/2024 at 7:55 AM, daggaz said:

My next thread will be "Help, how do I catch my Siamese Algae Eaters??!" 😄

2 nets. Heard them into the front corner or use one net to heard them into the other. 

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