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Bad Stocking Idea?

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I was talking with a friend about the 10-gallon I'm setting up, and she suggested rasboras. Keep in mind the footprint of the tank is more like a 12 or 13-gallon.

Here is the stocking list we came up with:

6 Chilli Rasboras

6 Kubotai Rasboras

6 Pygmy Cory's

5 Jade Shrimp


3 Amano's

We used this stocking calculator:AqAdvisor - Intelligent Freshwater Tropical Fish Aquarium Stocking Calculator and Aquarium Tank/Filter Advisor, and it said it was fine , but I have a feeling it really isn't?

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On 6/10/2024 at 6:45 PM, shrimpleaf said:

5 Jade Shrimp


This stands out to me first. not sure you can keep different colors of the same shrimp (neocaradina) in the same tank. They will interbreed and eventually just revert to brown. now you could just replace them at that point.

I don't have a problem with the two rasboras. but may have more impact using a lot more of one color. then maybe choosing a different one color for the shrimp. like maybe using 12- 15 chili rasboras and the jade shrimp. or 8-10 kubotai and the red cherry shrimp. 

not sure about the pigmy's

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On 6/10/2024 at 6:45 PM, shrimpleaf said:

I was talking with a friend about the 10-gallon I'm setting up, and she suggested rasboras. Keep in mind the footprint of the tank is more like a 12 or 13-gallon.

Here is the stocking list we came up with:

6 Chilli Rasboras

6 Kubotai Rasboras

6 Pygmy Cory's

5 Jade Shrimp


3 Amano's

We used this stocking calculator:AqAdvisor - Intelligent Freshwater Tropical Fish Aquarium Stocking Calculator and Aquarium Tank/Filter Advisor, and it said it was fine , but I have a feeling it really isn't?

I would probably just stick with the chili rasboras, Cory's, and shrimp think the other fish may be a bit much for the footprint. 

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I wouldnt do 3 amanos myself. To be fair, when I tried an amano in a shallow 50 liter tank of mine, it seemed unhappy. Personally, I think amanos like bigger tanks. I have two in 125 liters and I personally wouldnt keep amanos anything below 100 liters myself. Those guys are fairly big. Probably many will disagree tho

To me, the rest is fine. But yes, just as mentioned above, mixing different colors of neocaridinas will eventually go back to wild colors. If it is not something you want, then it is a better idea to keep only one color. Also I would keep at least 10 pygmy cories. These are all such tiny fish so bioload will be fairly low and easily maintained especially if the tank has fast growing plants

Edited by Lennie
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On 6/10/2024 at 6:47 PM, Lennie said:

Personally, I think amanos like bigger tanks.

I would agree with this I kept three amanos in a twenty-nine gallon and they made use of the entire footprint. I would suggest keeping one kind of shrimp and maybe two large schools of the schooling fish you have listed. Let me know what you decide to stock it with

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