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Best rocks for a 10 gallon?

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I want some bigger/taller rocks so they kinda stick out of the water. My tank is 24 inches long, 14 inches wide, and 7 inches tall.

The rocks that I'm considering are: Hakkai Stone, Lagoon Stone, or Wolf Stone

If I were to choose any one of these how many pounds would I need?


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On 6/9/2024 at 12:41 AM, shrimpleaf said:

I were to choose any one of these how many pounds would I need

That’s completely up to how you want it to look. If you’re wanting a focal point. Or if you’re wanting a rock wall in back.  If you’re building sort of a rock spire. I’d make sure it’s well anchored in the substrate 

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I think about it in terms of stones and water chemistry - the last two lagoon and wolf are known to alter chemistry depending on source gh and oh could be affected. If you’re doing a Neocaridina or most farm raised fish tank it won’t matter unless your water if you’re thinking Caridina or soft water species then the Hakkai seems your best option. The stone will displace water volume so large stone emerging from the tank could cut you down by 1-3 g. They’re beautiful stones and will make a great addition. Have fun.

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