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Psuedomugil or Praecox rainbows?


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Hi all! After breeding a few livebearers, Pygmy cories, as well as hatching and currently rasing CPD fry, I’m looking to try rainbows. I’m looking for a smaller species to keep in a 40B, so my main two options are the praecox (dwarf neon) or psuedomugil(forktail) rainbows. Have you bred either of these, and which would you recommend? Both seem fun, but I’m not sure which to choose. Also, if you recommend the forktails, let me know which species! 

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I would recommend praecox rainbows, they have been easier than pseudomugil rainbows in my experience. Praecox will lay many more eggs and are less prone to eating the eggs, while the pseudomugil getrudae and luminatus seem intent on eating all their eggs. I have also had success with colony breeding M. Rubrivittata, which is similar to M. praecox, and have heard from other local club members that they have successfully colony bred their M. praecox. Pseudomugil eggs also take about twice as long as M. Praecox to hatch, 1 week vs 2 weeks.

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I've kept and bred several species of rainbows and blue eyes. I agree with everything @Phirefase said. With that being said, breed whichever species you enjoy more. Doesn't sound like you are a novice breeder so neither one will be difficult. Praecox are definitely more prolific between the two 

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