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Why do you keep fish?

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I was always just way too popular and quite honestly the constant, never ending attention was just too intense so I picked up hobbies that I could enjoy in some solitude or just temper my coolness if only just a little bit. 🤥

Sailing, kayaking, tennis, birding, yo-yo, disc golf, kiting, gardening, cooking, biking, coin collecting, model trains, camping, hiking, fish keeping.


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Why do I keep fish?

  • As a child my doctor said "no feathers, fur, or plants, (I didn't pay attention to any of his suggestions) 
  • They don't c**p in my yard or require a litterbox,
  • The byproducts of fish keeping are reusable.
  • I don't feel terrible if one dies
  • I always know where they are
  • They are my only hobby where my level of enjoyment is unaffected by the weather
  • The kids and aging parents found them as interesting to watch as I do
  • Fish keeping is as complicated and expensive as I choose to make it.

I got into the hobby because like so many other kids, I had a goldfish bowl, but my older brother had a wall full of aquariums.  His hobbies never lasted very long, but mine tend to stick.

Edited by Tanked
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