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Beginner with +40 tanks, terrarium and a small obsession based in Amsterdam

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hey Guys, 

After dreaming to have an aquarium for a long time I finally got one about 7 months ago, since then its downhill or upstream, whatever your angle is. 

Within 2 months we have 6 tanks at home with mostly around 60L tanks, I focus on scaping them and nano fish (rasbora), shrimps and L numbers mostly.  I got 4 kids and we really enjoy this new hobby, the TV has left the mai living room (yes we got other tv's). But now our main live is living around tanks. Recently I started another main tank in the house with 300L.

A few months ago I got my hands on a new terrarium with 12 dart frogs and took it home, my wife was like wtf, get it out. So I took it to the garage, which I thought was a good place to extend the hobby. 

Then I started buying some old second hand tanks at my garage, a Rio 350, a 300L and a few 45L. Build a sump to connect the big tanks and play with some media and setups. Mostly used the tanks for cloning plants, now been adding Guppies, Cory, Spotted Congo's and some cichlid fish. 

Now somehow I really want to start to breed fish. I started artemia and worms to feed them. Meanwhile I started to order lamps, sponge filters and lots of other stuff (like breeding setup for Pleco's). I met a few cool guys that breed and advise and help me with the setup I was dreaming about. 

So I am now at the point where I bought 7 racks of 1.60x50x200 each, made a full plan for auto water refresh, air and drip system. I ordered everything needed including Aquael heaters per tank, chihiros lamps and nice wood, rocks and soil. 

Just ordered 6 tanks @ 200L , 25 thanks @ 45L and 4 tanks @ 40 L and a UNS Foresta 60E. Also adding plants outside of my big tanks like Pathos and Monstera's. O I forget to say, i also started cloning plants and filled the house with over 40 pots and now adding them in my garage. 

Meanwhile I had quite some time on my hands and watched tons of youtube videos, went to various local stores and read this forum and some others. 

The upcoming week I want to start the big rack and I will document everything I can. Since I will make mistakes and learn I want to share this. 

I was a bit lost, but coming here I noticed this is perfectly accepted 😉

Some pictures of tanks and the setup are attached. 



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