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Possible camallanus


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Noticed my ram bottom sitting a day or so ago when I took a closer look he seems to have something coming out of him (little red spikes)I have had him for about a month and a half all the other fish seems to be fine so far and I’ll say this now getting meds will be next to impossible I live in Canada so most are just not available here 

water levels 

 ammonia and nitrite are 0 nitrate is 20 or ph is 6.4 to about 6 kh 0 gh 5 drops of api solution (can’t remember the ppm) temperature is 75 heater is set to 74 but it’s hot 

Not sure there’s much I can do trying to find somewhere that sells meds but no luck so far IMG_1526.jpeg.bb9c8183246db3650bc458e6837f0a9d.jpegIMG_1530.jpeg.95b9f3f1df7f3b494276acb37783a6c2.jpeg

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Posted (edited)

Definitely looks like camallanus worms you would need levamisole fenbendazole or flubendazole you could  try a vet as @Tony ssuggested Amazon or eBay might ship fritz expel p you would need enough medication to do 4  full course of treatment and you would have to treat all the fish in the tank with the bolivian ram @face

Edited by Colu
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Thank you both I will try some vets but I’m not optimistic to get them to even look at a cat is over 3 weeks and that’s if your already a client there straight up not taking new ones at least that was a few months ago but I have very little chance Amazon doesn’t seem to have any in stock and eBay is all from the US last time I tried to get something over the board like that all I got was a not so nice note lol

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On 5/22/2024 at 11:35 PM, face said:

I will try some vets but I’m not optimistic to get them to even look at a cat is over 3 weeks

I think you’ll need a fish vet. Not sure a normal vet would have any idea what they’re looking at. We have only one anywhere close. But I believe they take pictures during a remote consultation. 

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Posted (edited)

Another strategy, take your picture to a regular vet. Just show up and see if they’ll help you out. Tell them what you have and what you need to fix it. Maybe they’ll understand and get you a script. Possibly charge for it. But totally worth it.

Edited by Tony s
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I haven't seen it called by that name before looking online it seems to be fenbendazole The  recommended dose is 2mg a liter for 7  days doing three full courses of treatment  @face

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Hmm also found this stuff but it doesn’t seem to tell me the active ingredients try to find more info now 


It seems to be levamisole so I guess I’m trying that 

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On 5/23/2024 at 3:53 PM, face said:

Hmm also found this stuff but it doesn’t seem to tell me the active ingredients try to find more info now 


It seems to be levamisole so I guess I’m trying that 

Active ingredient is levamisole it can take four full courses of treatment to deal with camallanus worms make sure you have enough medication 

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On 5/23/2024 at 2:13 PM, Colu said:

Active ingredient is levamisole it can take four full courses of treatment to deal with camallanus worms make sure you have enough medication 

Ya there’s enough for 1500 gallons apparently so I should be good if worse comes to worse I can drop the water level there’s not many fish so it wouldn’t be to big of a deal thank you by the way 

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Well I got the meds treated at 2ppm for 2days as per the package all the tank inhabitants (Minus the ram) seem to have not cared one bit that I put meds now for a big water change the problem is the ram still has worms coming out of him I can’t really tell if there dead or not he hasn’t eaten in quite a while so it’s possible there dead and just not moving through him so to speak but I don’t know 

im debating setting up a qt of some type for him I don’t think he’s long for this world regardless IMG_1540.jpeg.3a1611d41b6733823cdf297e13c9e03b.jpeg

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On 5/29/2024 at 9:23 PM, face said:

Well I got the meds treated at 2ppm for 2days as per the package all the tank inhabitants (Minus the ram) seem to have not cared one bit that I put meds now for a big water change the problem is the ram still has worms coming out of him I can’t really tell if there dead or not he hasn’t eaten in quite a while so it’s possible there dead and just not moving through him so to speak but I don’t know 

im debating setting up a qt of some type for him I don’t think he’s long for this world regardless IMG_1540.jpeg.3a1611d41b6733823cdf297e13c9e03b.jpeg

When you start to see visible worms that means your fish has a heavy parasite burden even with treatment the internal damage caused by the parasite can still  kill your fish ram might be to far gone to recover I would quarantine and try to stimulate his appetite by adding a small amount of seachems garlic guard to his food 

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On 5/29/2024 at 8:19 PM, Colu said:

When you start to see visible worms that means your fish has a heavy parasite burden even with treatment the internal damage caused by the parasite can still  kill your fish ram might be to far gone to recover I would quarantine and try to stimulate his appetite by adding a small amount of seachems garlic guard to his food 

Ya I figured as much poor guy I’ll put together a qt tank tomorrow at very least it will give him a quiet place 

and now to wait 12 days to treat the tank again 

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On 5/30/2024 at 1:45 AM, face said:

Ya I figured as much poor guy I’ll put together a qt tank tomorrow at very least it will give him a quiet place 

and now to wait 12 days to treat the tank again 

Usually you treat every 7 days for 4 weeks  with levamisole not every two weeks is that the dosing instructions on the medication 

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On 5/30/2024 at 6:20 AM, Colu said:

Usually you treat every 7 days for 4 weeks  with levamisole not every two weeks is that the dosing instructions on the medication 

Ya actually 13 it  actually says 

On Day 15 repeat the treatment for another 48 hours. Repeating the treatment is essential to complete the treatment because the medication will only kill the worms, however, the eggs will hatch after 2-3 weeks and re-infect the fish.

but ya it does seem strange by the way the meds are 100% levamisole there’s no other ingredient on the page so🤷‍♂️

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On 5/30/2024 at 2:13 PM, face said:

Ya actually 13 it  actually says 

On Day 15 repeat the treatment for another 48 hours. Repeating the treatment is essential to complete the treatment because the medication will only kill the worms, however, the eggs will hatch after 2-3 weeks and re-infect the fish.

but ya it does seem strange by the way the meds are 100% levamisole there’s no other ingredient on the page so🤷‍♂️

That's good pure levamisole is more effective I would do 4 full courses of following the instructions on the packet 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just thought I’d give an update the meds worked the  little ram is in the main aquarium again and eating still a bit skinny but we are getting there I’ve finished  three courses I think I’m going to do one more just in case but ya I’m happy I honestly thought he was a goner 


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On 6/28/2024 at 2:07 AM, face said:

Just thought I’d give an update the meds worked the  little ram is in the main aquarium again and eating still a bit skinny but we are getting there I’ve finished  three courses I think I’m going to do one more just in case but ya I’m happy I honestly thought he was a goner 


One more course is what I would do just to make sure there's not residual parasites left good here he's recovering 

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