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Transporting shrimp to store

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So my CRS have been going wild for a while and I need to thin the herd. I'm still waiting on the store to reply but they've were interested a few weeks ago.

My problem is that I'm low on transport bags and need to pack a lot of shrimp. I can find advice for packing shrimp for about two to four hours transport. All I find is about shipping and my intuition says I can pack them quite a lot denser than that.

The most precise number I've seen was 10 to 15 per half a liter (1/8 gallon), anybody got an opinion, or better yet experience.


10 to 15 per half a liter was for shipping, with potentially multiple days delivery time.

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Posted (edited)

How far away is the LFS? I’m assuming a couple hours, or a couple hours in the bag total between catching and bagging all of them and then transport from the wording in your post  

Don't overthink it. I’ve taken 100 at a time to the LFS with 25-33 in each bag with a little chunk of moss in the bag. The shrimp appreciate something to hold on to during transport. 

Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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With a sufficient amount of air and something for the shrimp to cling to, I wouldn't hesitate to put 100 in a large bag for a couple of hours. I've done this before at swaps and have yet to have an issue.

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On 5/20/2024 at 7:30 AM, Perrow said:

My problem is that I'm low on transport bags and need to pack a lot of shrimp. I can find advice for packing shrimp for about two to four hours transport. All I find is about shipping and my intuition says I can pack them quite a lot denser than that.

Density isn't really the concern.  Talk to the store and ask what works best for them. Might be one large bag, might be 2-3 small ones, might be a bucket.

Shrimp need something to hang onto. Plant trimmings, moss, or a piece of mesh is the typical item that is used. The more you pack, the bigger that piece of thing needs to be. That's all.

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