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Weird White Spots on Side Of Tank

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Hey! So today I noticed my angel fish was just swimming in the corner of my fish tank pecking at the glass, so I get up and go and look at what he’s doing and he’s eating these little white things off the side of the tank! I can easily scrape them off but there are still some left is this a danger to my fish or?

I have a 75 gallon tank with

11 Odessa Barbs

10 silvertip tetras 

5 hatchet fish 

6 Lemon Tetras 

5 corydoras 

2 bristlenose pleco 

1 Angel Fish 

Any clue what’s going on? 
Just got up to take a photo and they’ve all been eaten! Still would love to know what they were lol

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My best guess is snail eggs, but it would be hard to tell for sure without a picture. I am still a beginner fishkeeper, and that is only the most reasonable response from my experience. If you see it next time, take a picture and maybe it will be easier to identify.

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On 5/17/2024 at 8:56 PM, Guupy42 said:

My best guess is snail eggs, but it would be hard to tell for sure without a picture. I am still a beginner fishkeeper, and that is only the most reasonable response from my experience. If you see it next time, take a picture and maybe it will be easier to identify.

The one weird thing about this though is that my snails have layers eggs before and have never looked like this I only have mystery snails. I’ll definitely take a pic if it comes up again

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