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Can I set up a viable marine aquarium in a 14 gallon tank?

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After 40 years in the hobby, I must admit that I am a bit bored.

I am not a newbie with marine tanks. I have kept several during these years, the last one being a 160 gallon I kept running for over a decade.

What if I take a 14 gallon fresh water tank and turn it into a marine tank?

Can it be done with acceptable success?

Will it be more or less stable or would I have to check parameters and change water every other day?

I do not want a reef tank, of course. Just a couple of small fish and, maybe, some shrimp.

Just for the sake of changing.

Thanks folks

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Absolutely! I've got a 4 gallon set up on my kitchen counter. Ive had reef tanks as small as 1.5 gallons. Totally doable. 

Depending on the footprint, a 14 gallon would be suitable for a few small fish. Maybe a pair of clowns and a goby or small blenny of some sort. 

As long as you don't overstock, I don't see why you couldn't get away with weekly or biweekly water changes. I keep a pair of clowns in a 10 gallon and only have to change water out every few weeks. 

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It won't be a problem. The marine substrate and any live rock or dead coral you use as decor will help keep the parameters stable. You don't want a reef tank so that simplifies things a lot. In a 14-gallon tank, you're limited in the fish you can choose but choose wisely and you should be fine. A fish-only marine tank only adds one or two variables more than a freshwater tank. 

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