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Aging water

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So a few questions:

1. When aging tap to see if pH changes, do I also need to monitor the GH and KH to see if that changes or will that stay the same no matter how long I leave it out?

2. Gonna get an RODI soon and plan on remineralising by cutting with tap and my tap pH shifts a lot over 24 hours so will it be okay to mix the tap and RO straight away. What I would do is fill the bucket first with tap to however much I need (I’ll work out a ratio) 24 hours before I need the water and once thats filled I’ll top the rest off with RO with the other side of the ratio and while thats filling up the the tap will be aging while the RO is going. Or would I have to age the water first and then the RO?

3. Does RODI water need to be aged like tap water does or will it be fine?

Keep in mind this is all for discus so parameters are pretty important here.


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Rodi is fine as is. But straight ro should be enough. Not sure you need the expense of the di part. Okay. At least I never have. Kh and gh should be stable. Shouldn’t change. The gh for sure won’t. It won’t even evaporate. The kh shouldn’t change either. Or at least not enough to matter. When I mix tap with ro, I put them in the bucket at the same time. That way they’re mixed and at room temperature 74-76 when needed. You will want to mix them together and have them heated before using. Discus are very sensitive 

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On 5/16/2024 at 3:26 PM, Tony s said:

Rodi is fine as is. But straight ro should be enough. Not sure you need the expense of the di part. Okay. At least I never have. Kh and gh should be stable. Shouldn’t change. The gh for sure won’t. It won’t even evaporate. The kh shouldn’t change either. Or at least not enough to matter. When I mix tap with ro, I put them in the bucket at the same time. That way they’re mixed and at room temperature 74-76 when needed. You will want to mix them together and have them heated before using. Discus are very sensitive 

So my plan is 24 hours before my wc I’ll fill up my bucket with tap to where it needs to be (should only take 30 mins or something like that) then top off with ro depending on the ratio. While doing all this I’ll have a heater and air stone in the bucket and then just before my water change I’ll do a good mix and test my ph KH and GH. Will that all work out in terms of aging and things?

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I think so. I usually don’t even add the heater or the air stone to mine. But I’m not trying to raise discus. Just regular fish. Discus changes everything. My wife wants them, but man, they make me nervous 

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On 5/16/2024 at 3:33 PM, Tony s said:

I think so. I usually don’t even add the heater or the air stone to mine. But I’m not trying to raise discus. Just regular fish. Discus changes everything. My wife wants them, but man, they make me nervous 

Yeah lol I’m very optimistic but gonna take the dive. I’ll probably post the on the simplydiscus forum aswell. How do you heat your water if you don’t add a heater?

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Room temperature only. About 75 degrees. And my fish are less sensitive. I figure if I do a50% change on a tank. The most I lower the tank temperature would only be a degree or 2. Or nothing at all depending on the tank 

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On 5/16/2024 at 3:41 PM, Tony s said:

Room temperature only. About 75 degrees. And my fish are less sensitive. I figure if I do a50% change on a tank. The most I lower the tank temperature would only be a degree or 2. Or nothing at all depending on the tank 

Oh okay thank you.

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Lots of people with big fish rooms don’t have heaters in the tank even. But they keep their rooms hot. Dan’s fish keeps his warehouse at 78 degrees inside just to keep the heaters out 

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On 5/16/2024 at 3:44 PM, Tony s said:

Lots of people with big fish rooms don’t have heaters in the tank even. But they keep their rooms hot. Dan’s fish keeps his warehouse at 78 degrees inside just to keep the heaters out 

Yeah my tanks are in my bedroom so would probably melt if I did that lol. No worries, appreciate the help.

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On 5/16/2024 at 10:34 AM, Cjbear087 said:

Yeah lol I’m very optimistic but gonna take the dive. I’ll probably post the on the simplydiscus forum aswell. How do you heat your water if you don’t add a heater?

I just keep my house in the 70s my fish so far seem very happy 

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