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Quarantine setup

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    What is the minimum tank size one should consider for a quarantine setup? The largest fish I buy are Corys and the occasional Betta. Most of my fish are Nano fish. I want to have a proper quarantine tank but space is very limited. I usually buy fish in groups of 6-8. The plan is to quarantine for 4 weeks going forward. My next purchase will be a group of 6 white cloud minnows. 

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I QT a lot of stuff in a 10 gallon.  If you change a lot of water you can get away with overstocking.  Plus feeding less (or none depending on body condition) than you would normally.

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Agree with everyone on the 10 gallons. If you're buying baby or juvenile fish, or things like neons or smaller, and you're not getting a massive herd, you can go as small as 5, but I think they'd be more comfortable in a 10. 

Filtration is optional/irrelevant, if you're staying ahead of ammonia etc with water changes. So maybe all you need is an air stone or uncycled sponge filter, with a heater if the species requires it. Choose the furnishings in the tank for the occupants. If you're putting in cories, add a thin layer of sand, and some larger rocks or resin ornaments they can get under and around for shelter. Fake plants for the win, bc they can be (re)moved, and sanitized. If mid or top swimmers, you want less structure at the bottom, and more in the mid-levels. If going with plants, choose things that are "disposable", like floaters or hornwort. 

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I agree with the 10.

been listening to this for a couple months now. they do a really good job explaining the basics. And I like their vibe and they're often humorous at the same time.

But... a whole hour on quarantine. funny, but very possible overkill


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I just checked and Petsmart has the Aqueon 10 gallon on sale for $14.99. Now to convince my wife that a quarantine tank is a responsible and sound investment and that it won't become a display tank😅

On 5/7/2024 at 12:09 PM, Tony s said:

I agree with the 10.

been listening to this for a couple months now. they do a really good job explaining the basics. And I like their vibe and they're often humorous at the same time.

But... a whole hour on quarantine. funny, but very possible overkill


I just heard this yesterday and they're the ones who've convinced me to get a quarantine setup. I usually just acclimate and drop in, but I've been playing with fire and I want to avoid unnecessary losses if I can control it. 

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On 5/7/2024 at 12:11 PM, Scaperoot said:

I usually just acclimate and drop in, but I've been playing with fire

unfortunately, i often do the same. but so far i don't have any expensive fish. and have been very lucky. only had ich once and columnaris once. But I realyy do enjoy both Jason and John. Having went so far as to subscribe to Jason's channel

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10g, the Cories will be fine with a ten, and the other fish are just as big, or smaller, WCMMs, they don’t need a huge QT tank, but you getting other fish too =10gs. A 10 gallon for Qt is not to big not to small. A 20g is kinda expensive and big and a room taker just for a QT tank. All to say 10g is yep the best, nothing different from everyone else lol. @Tony s, I am going to start watching this podcast soon! It looks interesting…


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