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So I recently eradicated camallanus worms in my fish tank (I think), and recently I have noticed this guppy acting a little strange. I can’t say what exactly, but I’m pretty sure he is bloated and it kind of looks like it’s struggling to swim. Any one have any ideas if this is a disease? Thanks 

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Well, if yo happen to see red worms coming out of the anus of the fish you will know that your worms have returned. But these symptoms that you said could be a swim bladder disease. definitely research about this because I am not an expert. Hope this help you and your fish. 🙂

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On 5/3/2024 at 7:06 PM, CoryKeeper said:

Well, if yo happen to see red worms coming out of the anus of the fish you will know that your worms have returned. But these symptoms that you said could be a swim bladder disease. definitely research about this because I am not an expert. Hope this help you and your fish. 🙂

Thank you, I’ll keep any eye out 🙂

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On 5/3/2024 at 7:56 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

Possibly swim bladder disease, but yeah same as what @CoryKeeper said as well, keep us posted if you don’t mind @Cjbear087. If it is I know a decent amount about swim bladder disease and would love to help. But obviously not an expert.

Thank you. Had a closer look just now and poop seems to be kinda mucusy aswell if that means anything.

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