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My goldfish Clyde

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Hello Folks, I'm new here, hoping for advice. I rescued Clyde from my office. Unfortunately Bonnie didn't make it. He's a Comet Goldfish. He was about 2 inches when I brought him home. He was in a 10 gallon tank and I moved him into a 55 gallon. Since then he's grown to about 8 inches. [About 2 years ago]. Using him as an excuse, I bought a 140 gallon tank. 

He looks lonely, doesn't he! I want to get him some pals but his mouth has become enormous and he really is a pig. I understand that they will eat anything they can fit in their mouths. Any suggestions for cooler water, big enough, and friendly with goldfish. 

I appreciate any help. 

Peter L


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Posted (edited)

I have 4 giant comet goldfish in my pond along with 3 fancy goldfish. I keep them with mosquito fish that I caught in a small creek. They breed nonstop and I have kept them together for about 2 years now. They are really fast so they escape the goldfish and they school. They could be a good tankmate for Clyde @Peter L.

Edited by Max W.
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Goldfish make the best tankmates with... other goldfish. really, when you have that much personality and goofiness it's great, and more is always better right. you could actually do a couple of different kinds of goldfish just for variety.

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Thank you folks. The mosquito fish sound interesting. I'd love to see them evade Clyde the goldfish. I have to check them out, see if LFS sells them. Being 62 I'm not keen on wading around in ponds with a net. I'm not sure they live wild up her in New Hampshire anyway. It would be cool to keep them outdoors but I already have a pretty severe case of multiple tank syndrome and don't want to branch out into outdoor fish too. 

I guess I will go with more Comet goldfish. I understand that it is difficult to keep comet/common goldfish together with fancy GF as they are much quicker and hog the food. Max W -- thanks for info. Do you have this issue with your Comets and Fancies?

Peter L

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There are a couple of choices you can do though. Rosy barbs and bristlenose plecos are going to be the best. They need to be big enough not to be food. The plecos need a temperature around 72. So that changes the tank dynamics. 

you should be able to add both common and shubunkin goldfish as well. 

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