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HELP! What's wrong with my barb?


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Hello! I am brand new here and just got into the hobby 2 months ago when I decided to put an aquarium in my dog grooming business. I did lots of research before setting the tank up, but as you know it's all a lot to learn. Today I noticed that one of my Rosy Barbs has something significant going on with her mouth. I can not tell if it's a growth, or injury. She does not look well and is not eating. Upon further inspection I noticed some super small white spots on my male rosy barbs. I've not experienced ich yet but I can't tell if that's the issue, or if it's injury/fin rot. I've had these fish for about 1.5 months and their fins weren't in great shape when we got them, and haven't really improved since. I was gone all weekend and definitely did not notice any of this when I checked on them Friday afternoon. 

I also uploaded my most recent water test results (today). I also included a photo of the meds I have on hand. I do not have a quarantine tank yet but am willing to set one up ASAP  however I am afraid my whole tank needs treatment now.

75 Gallons with one FX6.

Temp: 76-78f

6 Rosy Barbs (2 male, 4 female)


2 Ottos ( 2 mysteriously died. One the day after purchase, the other 3 weeks later.)

4 Corycats

2 clown plecos

6 Rainbow fish ( Just added 4 days ago. No I did not quarantine 😞 ) 

2 Assassin snails. 

I have several plants but I care more for my fish's health than the plants so am willing to replace plants if any needed treatment kills them.

I posted this on several FB groups and didn't receive any helpful advice. I really love these fish and want to do whatever I can to keep them healthy. I am extremely grateful for any advice!







Edited by RaeLea
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Am struggling to see the small white spots if there flat look like a sprinking of salt on the body and fins they could have ich you want to treat with ick X and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons as ich causes massive electrolyte loss and the salt will add back in essential electrolytes i would also follow up with a course of maracyn to treat the fins could be an injury to the mouth it could have a bacterial component maracyn will help with that @RaeLea

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