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Worm thing in tank


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Probably a detritus / tubifex worm. These are microorganisms that eat fish poop and break down waste. They'll show up pretty naturally and are a sign of a healthy ecosystem & tank - nothing to worry about; these are good things!

Plus, they're free snacks for fish. My cories love running up to the glass and eating them 😂

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There are no fish in the tank. As of right now, there are only plants. Maybe there's a snail or two, but I was thinking either planaria or hydra. Detritus worms are very thin and wiggle in the water column. This thing has antenae and is thick and slimy looking and is crawling on the glass.

I see detritus worms in my tanks at home, and yes my Mollies, aka trash cans of the aquarium world, love eating them!

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On 4/20/2024 at 12:49 PM, jodip said:

I'd there are no fish in the tank, can there be detritus worms?

Absolutely. They can hitchhike on plants, snails, driftwood, soil… media taken from another tank. They are perfectly normal part of an aquarium. 

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Just thought everyone who chimed in might get a kick out of this.  The "worm thing" turned out to be a sloppy silicone job from the manufacturer 🤦‍♀️ After it didn't move for a few days it was scraped off. Thanks to all who chimed in!

  • Haha 2
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