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Severe ick or epistyles? Still getting worse and fish dying en masse after four days of treatment


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Made the mistake of introducing pet store fish without quarantining. Four month old tank with zero previous issues, fish were happy enough to breed before this.

I have cranked my tank temperature to 84, removed any carbon, and have been treating for it with API super ick cure for four days now. The fish just keep getting worse and are dying off at a higher rate, I’ve now lost 15 tetras. Am I potentially treating the wrong thing?spacer.pngspacer.png

Edited by ViperRT10Matt
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Very possibly, epistyles would be raised bumps on the body, inch is flat on the body. Epistyles would also be found on the eyes. Inch would not. Epistyles would also have a positive reaction to high heat. It likes it. Ich does not. First step is to figure out what you have for sure. Second step I’d get some aquarium salt in there to help probably 1 tablespoons to 3 gallons of water. Third step @Colu for med advice. So would also want parameters. And salt in . Next is meds. And your decision what you have based on appearance of spots. And pushing the temperature to the right level. Epistyles would need a temperature closer to 70

I would think epistyles, just from the large uneven spotting. 

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It's not uncommon for fish to have ich and epistylis at the seem time  epistylis that feeds off of gram negative bacteria on the slime coat of your fish and spreads more quickly at higher temperatures what I would do is gradually lower the temperature and keep treating with API super ich cure and do a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days if there not eating than i would dose tank with maracyn2  and add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons @ViperRT10Matt


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