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"Koi Sunburst" Neocaridina davidi - new breeding project

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I wasn't sure whether it made more sense to put in Experiments or Journals, but here we go...

Did anyone else become mesmerized by the new Neocaridina color form showcased a couple months ago in a post Cory made on YouTube with a video linked to Chris Lukhaup's video about the "Koi Sunburst" Neocaridina davidi shrimp? Well, I, for one, was hooked.

Since I live in Europe, and these shrimp had already been imported to Germany, buying them and shipping them into Spain was super easy. I just had to free up some tank space, decide on my budget, and find a time they were in stock. Finally, about 10 days ago, I made the leap and ordered a group of 15. All 15 arrived today in perfect condition, and, let me tell you, these shrimp are top-notch and the company was terrific to work with.

I'm beyond excited to have these little gems in one of my tanks. They are highly variable, but all very attractive and photos & video from Chris L are representative of the strain. My photos will be added below.

Currently they are in a nano tank with some Heterandria formosa juveniles and a juvenile teacup platy (the last of my group that all died in late winter😢).  My plan is to move back the killifish & platy back to my 10 gallon Hf colony and split the shrimp into two groups between two tanks. At least one of the female shrimp even arrived berried, so I am already excited for the possibility of shrimplets in the near future. I am thrilled to see the vibrant colors & patterns these Koi Sunburst shrimp produce. I’ll try to keep y’all posted.






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Beautiful shrimp and tank! I recently started keeping shrimp and I've fallen in love with them. I wish you the best of luck and look forward to seeing more posts about them.

Edited by JS Fish
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