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First aid kit

Airborne 82nd

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Just put my Oscar and pleco in last week. Both doing well. I started this tank new in Jan. I want to put a just in case kit together. What do some of you like to keep around?

Temp 80f amm 0 trite 0 trate 10 (ph 76 same as tap water) For you Oscar lovers what is the best prevention for HITHD. I know clean stable water any thing else? I'm now testing water every other day. The fish are 2 3 inches long so not much of a load. Doing my best not to over feed.

Thanks for any ideas


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HITH can be linked to poor water quality dietary deficiency Hexamita parasite and the use of  active carbon has been linked to HITH the   best way to prevent it is to keep stable water parameters feed a varied diet and don't use active carbon @Airborne 82nd

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On 4/11/2024 at 11:58 AM, Airborne 82nd said:

Thanks Colu

Good to know about the carbon seems like I read that is mostly used for removing meds.

Yes it used to remove organic chemicals and medication it can also help to reduce odour from your tank 

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Oscars are my most favorite fish I've ever kept.  Unfortunately, they just get so freaking big so I haven't had any more in almost 20 years!  HITH, as Colu notes, is best prevented by clean water.  Plan on doing large, frequent water changes and it's nearly guaranteed that you'll never have to deal with it.


To answer the main question, though. First aid kit contents:

  • A tank to isolate a fish as needed.  A 10 gallon is fine, a 20 long is probably a bit better.  
  • Salt (a big bag of pure salt for a water softener will be almost a lifetime supply)


  • Metronidazole - treats HITH (and other things)
  • Levamisole - I worm all my new fish.
  • An antibiotic is OK to have on hand, but there's not one that does everything.  Kanamycin is a good one that covers a good number of bases.
Edited by jwcarlson
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