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Quarantining shrimp

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Hello, I am thinking about getting some cherry shrimp for my community tank. I was wondering if i should quarantine them as I didn't quarantine my Amano shrimp and had no problems.

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 Shrimps are usually not quarantined. If you are really worried, you can check their look for the potential problems/parasites. They are all fairly easy to notice. If you notice some parasites, then it might be a good idea to qt 


Otherwise or afterwards, you can just put them into your tank. Just don’t introduce store water to your tank. 

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You would want to QT them if possible.  There are newly found parasites that can go from one group/species to another (neocaridina to caridina even).  You would want to research what to look for and then observe them.  As things like Australian vs Japanese amano shrimp have found there way into the hobby there is sourcing concerns and parasites that are being found in hobbyist tanks as a result.

The link above is the best resource we have when it comes to shrimp diseases that I know of apart from literature available in Europe, mainly Germany.

They have good photos and research studies that you can find as well.

Get that magnifying glass out!

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