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Molly Fish Curved and Swimming Weird


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Looking for some guidance here, I have an established 37 gallon that has mollies and platys in it and I haven't made any changes (fish introduction, new decorations) but one of my mollies has started to experience issues. Have had the tank for about a year and this Molly for 2 years, any idea what's going on here? I have him in a QT tank now with Epsom salt



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I don't know if it helps at all but here's another photo of him in his qt tank, he can still get to the bottom and he still tries to eat when there's food, just not sure how this could have come out of the blue


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On 4/6/2024 at 3:21 AM, struttinsoul said:

0ppm ammonia, 0ppm nitrite, 10ppm nitrate, I don't have a kh/gh test kit. Temp is 78. No appetite changes or noticable rapid breathing

I would recommend getting a KH and GH test kit as low KH and GH can cause a lot of health issues in liverbears there a couple of things that could be causing the issue your seeing with your Molly could have swim into something in the tank and broke it back mycobacterium can cause deformities or it could have a genetic component how quickly did it develop the s-shape or was it over a long period of time 

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On 4/7/2024 at 2:14 AM, struttinsoul said:

@Colulooks like kh is 6 drops, gh is 12

How quickly it's come on more  than likely to have injured itself keep him in quarantine with epsom salt if it's broken it's back or other internal injuries it probably won't recover 

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I've got a bit of a dilemma..I finally got my clove oil today and was going to euthanize him since he was just staying at the top of the water in the corner but today he seems to be swimming around the tank completely normal despite his spine being broken.. do I leave him be? Do I proceed? It was so clear before but now he seems to have adapted and is getting around like a normal fish 




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On 4/11/2024 at 2:26 PM, struttinsoul said:

Do I proceed?

Unfortunately, that’s all your decision. Some animals have an amazing ability to heal. When he can no longer be his best self and appears to be suffering, it’s probably time. You’ll know. If he’s recovered a decent amount and is comfortable, there’s no real reason to, yet

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